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"Your Majesty is my husband. How could I dislike Your Majesty? I'm happy Your Majesty doesn't dislike me." Shen Yu's voice was extremely soft as he looked away.

Amid the strains of the instruments, Shen Yu's words reached Shang JunLin's ears clearly.

Shang JunLin slightly curved his lips. "The noble monarch must be joking. Husband and husband are one—and this emperor would never dislike you."

His hand was large and hot and completely enveloped Shen Yu's. Where their skin was in contact there was constant heat.

The wall of the cup was cold against Shen Yu's palm, but the back of his hand was hot with the man's body temperature. The strange sensation spread from his hand into his heart.

Shen Yu moved his fingers, wanting Shang JunLin to free him. But the emperor not only didn't let go, he increased the strength of his grip.

After maintaining this pose for a while, Shen Yu saw that Shang JunLin had no intention of letting him go and spoke up to remind him. "Your Majesty, it's time to release my hand."

As if waking from a dream, Shang JunLin loosened his grip, and Shen Yu immediately lowered his hand. But now that his fingers were empty, his heart seemed to feel empty too.

The man's heat lingered on the back of his hand. Shen Yu drew his hands into his wide sleeves and unknowingly curled his fingers.

Shen Yu wasn't much of an eater. After a little food, he was already full, but he stared at the jade wine pot on the small table and licked his lips.

The palace wine had been brewed for a long time and had a long-lasting, mellow aroma. The fragrance was almost like a hook which stole his attention.

People are always like this—the more they can't have something, the more they itch to touch it.

In his previous life Shen Yu was obsessed with wine, not because he was greedy for alcohol, but because the constant chill in his body could only be relieved by drinking. It was the only time he didn't feel like he was living in an ice cellar.

In this life, his physical condition wasn't as grave, and Shang JunLin gave orders that wine shouldn't appear in Shen Yu's sight, but he couldn't help missing it. Today the aroma of the wine aroused a sudden craving. He couldn't help wanting to taste it more and more.

"Your Majesty." Shen Yu tugged at the emperor's sleeve. "Let me have a sip. I promise, just a taste."

"Why didn't this emperor know the noble monarch was so greedy for wine?" Shang JunLin lifted his eyebrows at the young man. He remembered that in the Hidden Dragon Guard's report, Shen Yu almost never touched alcohol.

Shen Yu gave a perfect impression of someone who was unreasonably willful. "I just want a taste. Who made the wine smell so good?"

"You're obviously just greedy, but you're blaming it on the wine." Shang JunLin smiled and shook his head. "It's not that this emperor won't let you. Imperial Physician Gu said drinking isn't good for your health."

"I drank when I first entered the palace...." Under Shang JunLin's deep gaze, Shen Yu's voice got smaller and smaller.

"Why don't you go on? Or does the noble monarch remember what happened that night."

Shen Yu remembered. It was the first time he had an attack of sickness since his rebirth. He thought it was just a coincidence. Was there another reason?

Shen Yu hesitated. "Did I get sick that day because I drank wine?"

"Yes and no. The wine was just a trigger."

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