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I don't think this is the kind of good fortune the vassal kings want.

Shen Yu inwardly said a few words on behalf of the vassal kings.

And, Your Majesty, don't you think you have the potential to become a fatuous and self-indulgent ruler if you do this sort of thing?

Shen Yu complained to himself a bit and then banished these unlikely thoughts from his mind. He reached out and touched the booklet in Shang JunLin's hand. "Your Majesty, when will you arrange to bring back the gifts?"

It wasn't safe to leave so much wealth in an abandoned estate.

"When would the noble monarch like?"

"As soon as possible."

As Shang JunLin looked over at him, Shen Yu slowly added, "If Your Majesty contributes the manpower, I can split everything with Your Majesty, forty-sixty."

"How generous of the noble monarch."

It sounded like Shang JunLin wasn't satisfied with that.

"Forty-sixty is the most I can do." Thinking Shang JunLin wanted more, Shen Yu stressed how much he'd already given up. "Your Majesty should understand that you wouldn't have gotten anything without me."

Shang JunLin shook his head helplessly. "This emperor doesn't care. If the noble monarch likes these things, you can have them all for yourself."

"Then what does Your Majesty want?" Shen Yu had no intention of monopolizing the riches he'd plundered. "Even if Your Majesty doesn't care, I won't take Your Majesty's share."

After all, there had to be give and take. If he didn't bring His Majesty into the fold, his next plan wouldn't go smoothly.

Shang JunLin just looked at him without saying anything.

Shen Yu's eyes wandered. He had a suspicion or two, but he wasn't sure.

To confirm his guess, Shen Yu suddenly jumped forward and embraced Shang JunLin. "Then I'll give Your Majesty a hug for your hard work, all right?"

When the young man suddenly rushed over, Shang JunLin was startled and firmly caught hold of him. He was about to chastise Shen Yu, and then he heard what he said.

A wave of contentment flooded through him, as if a certain gap in his heart had been filled. Shang JunLin made a slight effort to tighten his arms, hoping the feeling would linger.

"Be careful next time or you'll fall," Shang JunLin said above him.

"Your Majesty will definitely catch me. You won't let me fall," Shen Yu said in a slightly upturned tone. His voice was full of trust.

Shang JunLin's thin lips were tightly pursed. Only the smile in his eyes revealed how happy he was.

Shen Yu was paying close attention to the changes in Shang JunLin's mood. He couldn't help but want to laugh a little. His Majesty was so easy to coax. One hug was all it took to soothe him.

Thanks to Shang JunLin, transporting the pile of gifts sent by the vassal kings was no longer a problem Shen Yu needed to worry about. After leaving the matter to Shang JunLin, Shen Yu began to think about how to manage his own forces.

Although he'd chosen a different path in this life compared to his previous one, Shen Yu had no intention of actually becoming a caged bird in the harem. It was always better to rely on yourself than other people.

His subordinates hadn't developed to the point of being able to work on their own. Shen Yu had the experience he gained in his previous life, and it wouldn't be difficult to train them. It was just that some of the subordinates he was accustomed to having weren't under his command yet.

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