Chapter 3: Koenji Rokusaki

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(A/N: This chapter is full of cringy and BS lines, so I suggest to bear with it. You can skip it if you want.)

Kiyo POV

As soon as I entered the classroom, my eyes were caught by a silver hair dancing in the breeze. Well, how should I say this.... I have silver haired girl fetish and my father was the only one who knows about it. He better not snitch on me.

The silver haired beauty smiled. I don't know if she was smiling at me so I look at my back and there was none.

Crap! I might get branded as a pervert. I had stared at her for a long time now.

"Fufufu~ did I caught your eyes, Shiba-kun~?"

Wait. I know this voice.

"Eh? Koenji-san?"

"Ping-pong~! It's the only Koenji Rokusaki~!" she said in a high pitched tone earning the entire class' attention.

Koenji Rokusaki is the only heiress of the Koenji Conglomerate Group. My father happens to work in that conglomerate as her father's secretary so she knows me.

Not to mention that me and Koenji-san interacted in New York in the past. Three years ago to be exact. I was her sparring partner and tutor. In short, I'm her personal instructor and body guard during our time in New York.

But... Why did she dye her hair silver...? Damn, she just look hotter in my eyes now. Her silver hair, her erotic body, her thicc thighs specially those huge, vuluptous ju-ahem!

Wait wait wait! Don't think of those now, Kiyotaka! Damn you puberty...

"Thinking of something lewd, are we~?"

I tensed up.

"A-Ah... No...?" I said while sweat dropping and looking to the left. Wait... Why does it sound like a question?

"Well~, if it's you, I wouldn't mind though," she replied, closing the distance between her and my face and while putting her finger on my lips.

I could feel the glare of Ike, Yamauchi, Miyamoto and Ijuin. Speaking of Ijuin, he looks really really thin. He looks like some dude who hadn't eaten for weeks. Damn. He must have tapeworms that are as huge as the worms in the compost pit.

(A/N: WTF did I just wrote? 😂)

"Um... Koenji-san, I think you might want to end this right now? I feel uncomfortable with the glares I'm getting."

"Oh... I-I'm sorry, Shiba-kun," she replied and stuttered while blushing madly. She then returned to her seat like nothing happened but her face still a blushing mess.

3rd person POV


The silver haired goddess thought to herself while maintaining her composed face.

"Damn! You got yourself quite a catch, Shiba!" Sudo being the chad he is here in this oneshot, didn't get jealous with our protagonist since he already expected it. He then approached our protagonist with a smile.

"Shiba-kun! It's nice to see you here, and we're also classmates at that. Long time no see." Hirata Yosuke, Class D's princess- prince greeted Kiyotaka with his usual smile not minding the commotion the silver haired goddess did because she-he's clearly not jealous.

"Ah! Hirata, Sudou, long time no see!" Kiyo then greeted the two of his former teammates with his killer smile.

Meanwhile Roku-chan.

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