Chapter 12: Midterm Exam

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Kiyo POV

"Everybody sit down. Class is about to start." Chabashira-sensei said after entering the class. She was carrying piles of paper with her and it's obviously test papers.

Just like what I did to my universe to ensure that everyone will pass, I bought, or more like won the test question from Itsuka-senpai because instead of receiving 15,000 points from winning the bet, I asked him for the already-corrected test paper he had when he was still a first year.

And just yesterday I gave them the test score with answers and made them memorize the answers specially Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudo overnight. But even if one of us fails there's still a way.


It's Thursday. Tomorrow, the midterm exam would be upon us. Class had ended for the day. After Chabashira-sensei ended the homeroom period and left the classroom, I immediately sprang into action.

I went in front of everyone and stood behind the podium. I could've used Kushida like in the last universe but I have to use this and increase my popularity for future reasons.

"Everyone, before all of you will return to your dorms or hang out, I have something to give all of you as an insurance," I said before before bringing out the papers contains the test answers from Itsuka-senpai.


"Yes. These papers in front of all of you are test papers that will insure all of you will pass the midterm exam tomorrow."

The classroom was filled with cries of joy coming from the students that aren't really academically gifted.

"Shiba-sama!!! Thank you for saving us!!! You're a god-sent god!!!"

Such things could be heard inside the classroom but I just shrugged it off.

"Test questions?" Horikita asked in shock in the sudden turn of events. "did you made these, Shiba-kun?"

"Actually, these are old test questions that came from my senpai last night because of a certain bet that I won from him," I replied at Horikita's query.

"But wait a minute, Shiba-kun. How are you so certain that the old test question will be the same on what will be featured for tomorrow?"

Everyone's eyes were glued to me. Horikita just asked what everyone was about to ask.

"Of course, the questions may not be completely the same as the one's in these test questions but I am certain that there are still the same. And if you noticed on the last mock exam, Chabashira-sensei or the school left us a hint."

""A hint?"" Everyone asked in unison.

"Exactly," I replied. "All of you noticed that hard question on the last mock exam, right?"

Everyone bobbed their heads in agreement to my query and so, I continued talking for them to understand. "Even though I'm glad that what we studied on the study session was on the mock exam and I'm also confident that all of you still remember what they are, I don't like to take chances and get somebody in this class to be expelled just because of me being carefree. And I did some little investigating and confirmed from my senpais that those questions were on the second and third year tests."

I showed them the image of the image Itsuka-senpai sent me and the questions on the last mock exam.

"Shiba-kun, it seems like you already anticipated us that we will ask you this, huh?" Matsushita asked.

"Well, yes. The moment I planned on giving you these old test questions, I already expected in getting asked."

Flashback end

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