Koenji Rokusaki SS: The Man Of My Dreams

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Roku-chan POV

I still couldn't forget the day the I met the existence known as Shiba Kiyotaka. Sure, he is handsome, but that's not the reason why I had fallen for him this hard.

It all started when me, my mother, my father, Shiba Tatsuya-san, Shiba Miyuki-san, and Shiba Kiyotaka-kun flew to New York together for a business trip exactly 3 years ago.

Shiba Tatsuya-san once told my father that his son is very exceptional when it comes to athletics and academics.

And my father told me that he's better than me since he observed him play and answer questions that are around college level, which I couldn't even understand as of yet.

Me, being the prideful person I am, couldn't accept it and declared that I will challenge and defeat the existence known as Shiba Kiyotaka.

At first, I thought Shiba Kiyotaka-kun was just being kind to me because my father is his father's superior, but I was wrong.

On the day our destined match has arrived, I was destroyed academically.
I lost to our hand to hand fight as well.

He was a monster. He was dodging my attacks like it's just a walk in the park. His punches were very fast that I couldn't react on time and worse, I couldn't even see it coming.

And yet, he stopped it millimetres before it connected to my face.
The punch will obviously knock me out if it connects and break my nose.

The shock of his punches produced made my hair dance in the air that it made me fear it unconsciously that I couldn't dodge it without panicking.

After the one-sided battle, he crushed my superiority complex, no, it's already called God Complex.

I started hating Shiba-kun thinking that my father will be disappointed at me, but the opposite happened.

"Rokusaki, you see it now, don't you? You're not the best there ever is..." My father said.

"You know, I once asked Kiyotaka-kun on what it feels to be the strongest teenager, and his answer surprised me," my father said and smiled as he looked at the stars with me on the balcony of the hotel we're in.

" 'There are more than 7 billion people in the world. And in those 7 billion people, there are at least 1 billion teenagers that roamed the planet. I'm sure that there's always someone better than me in every aspect,' that was his answer."

I was surprised. I thought he'll go around and brag his victory but base on his answer to my father's question, he is a humble person.

"I then realized that if Kiyotaka-kun were to defeat you, your God Complex will break and it turns out I was right."

After the day of our conversation, I swallowed my pride and went to Shiba-kun for guidance and improve myself.

He's pretty strict to my trainings but all those hardships bore fruit.

"Shiba-kun, how did you get this strong? Does your parents like you to be what you are now?" I asked him while we were on our break time.

"No." he replied. "I just push myself beyond my limits to make them proud." he smiled.

"...Is that so?" I was taken aback of the innocent smile he had shown.

As the days passed, for some unknown reasons, I couldn't remove him inside my mind. Sometimes, I use chess and many other things just to spend time with him.

And then I realized... I had fallen for him. His bright and innocent smile as we talk about random things. His facial expression everytime I make him food is priceless.

I once stole pictures of him eating my cookings cutely. I then copied the pictures to my PC, cellphone and bought hard drives in order not to lose it.

But there's one thing I regret. I shouldn't have told him to enter this school if I had only known Ayanokoji Kiyone will also enter Tokyo Metropolitan Advance Nurturing High School.

I haven't seen her but she's definitely beautiful.

I once saw her and Shiba-kun talking on the first day of school but I couldn't really hear what they were saying.

I'm jealous of the attention Shiba-kun is giving to her. For some reason, I could feel that his smile is a lot brighter than he is with me.

Shiba-kun had serenaded me yesterday but that won't stop me from being cautious whenever he is around her.

Ayanokoji Kiyone, I won't lose Shiba-kun to you.

Yo! The ending is kind of cringy to me. I hope you don't mind it.

Cheer! For next week is the last week before we'll have our two week vacation!

Mommy_Eugen out~!

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