Chapter 31 - In The Open

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Another chapter so soon! This story is almost coming to an end *sobs*

I have a question at the bottom of this chapter that I'd love and appreciate your answer to. 


Despite the rocky beginning, the rest of our trip turned out to be wonderful. We visited a beautiful vineyard, sampled wine there, had a picnic in the valley with fresh raspberries we had picked on the way. We walked hand-in-hand across the beach and made love in the pool. I wanted to stay in Tuscany forever.

The following day after our trip, I'm back at One More Chapter, putting out the latest novels and serving coffee. Already it feels so long ago that we were in the Tuscan sunshine.

"Just those tables girls, and we'll call it a day," Hazel says, arranging the best-sellers. I collect a tray full of mugs, take them back to the counter and pull open the dish washer. Morgan puts down a tray next to me for me to add to the load.

"Sorry Ava, I'll do the last load tomorrow."

She tosses someone's half eaten carrot cake in the bin, napkins and a magazine. "I hate food waste," she sighs.

My heart thumps. Did I A half eaten sandwich is thrown on top, relish splatting the bin liner. I lean closer, inspecting the picture on part of the magazine that looks very much like...Alan! Me! Morgan disappears to clear another table and I dip in my hand to snatch it.

I realise I look like a nut, shoving a relish and mayo stained magazine into the front of my apron.

I don't think I've ever ticked off my job list faster. The second I leave work, the magazine is in my hand. The picture on the front is of Alan and I heading up to his apartment with our luggage! The title reads,

"Rickman's lusty appetite."

Inside is the same picture enlarged with an article.

"Some would say Rickman was squeaky clean kinda guy when it comes to his reputation in the press, but we're not sure how clean things are with the young girl he is seen here with. An ex girlfriend tells us that the two have gotten back from a recent trip where he wooed the young lady off her feet. "He's a womaniser and a devil with it. I'd hate to see her get hurt." Rickman's ex calls the man a "master manipulator." She expresses that men in the industry should be addressed and openly called out for taking advantage of young women and flushing the handle on their futures.

My blood boils. I hail the first taxi I see, jump into it and give them Lizzy's address. I pound several times on the door and repeatedly ring her doorbell.

She comes to it eventually. Her red hair is wild and she looks as if she's been crying.

"YOU!" I rage. "What the FUCK is your problem! What the fuck is this?!" I throw the magazine at her feet.

"Ava...!" Alan appears behind her.

I look at them both gobsmacked, frozen to the spot. "Wh-what are you doing?" The same thing I was apparently, but for a moment doubt inhabited me and told me otherwise.

Alan quickly brings me inside. Lizzy steps well out of the way with her hands on her hips. She reminds me for a moment of my mother and if Alan wasn't holding onto my shoulders, I would have slapped her across the face. I slice the air with a finger in her direction.

"She's out of her fucking mind! Why would you DO this! I trusted you! I thought you were my friend! You lied to me! You lied from the day I met you! First you tried to keep me from Alan by telling me he was with someone else, then when your pathetic plan didn't work, you completely fictionalised him into another person in order for you to cope with the fact that he doesn't want you!" I point to the magazine sprawled on the floor.

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