Would you get married?

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First Years

Yuji Itadori

He would totally be up for it. He's probably daydreamed about marrying you a couple of times. He makes jokes about you being stuck with him because you agreed lol

Megumi Fushiguro

I feel like he does want to but he probably won't bring it up before you do because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. You would most likely end up asking him.

Nobara Kugisaki

I don't think she sees marriage as a big thing. She doesn't really think you need to get married to know you love each other.

You wouldn't be legally married but she does refer to you as her wife.

Second Years

Maki Zen'in

Surprisingly I think she would. She wants EVERYONE to know that you love each other. Plus she would do it a little out of spite for her family too. 

Toge Inumaki

He would love to. He would also have loved to propose to you properly. He wants to make a big speech to you, a really romantic thing but he knows it wouldn't happen. 

He definitely does think about it a lot, to be honest though. Mostly about ways to say it.

Yuta Okkotsu

Once again i think yes. I think at first he'd be a little hesitant on the idea of marriage because of Rika but he'd grow into it after realising that she would have wanted him to be happy.

But deep down, he knows it's ultimately your choice. He'd ask you about your view of marriage first and he's completely fine with never getting married as long as he's still with you.


Kento Nanami

I still maintain that he is a guy who dreams of that calm suburban life. He wants to spend every part of his life with you. He'd want to get married but like Yuta, he'd be ok if you didn't. He probably refers to you as his other half to people instead of his wife.

Satoru Gojo

Probably not. He's afraid he'll fuck it up. 

He'll settle down, he'll have a family with you, and he will love you, but he wont get married. He just doesn't like the pressure that's put on married couples.

Cursed spirits


What's marriage?

Nope. He would ask if you want to commit to him in a blood pact though if you're interested in vowing fidelity to him though.


Foolish human matters are but a small speck in the eyes of the curses, mortal.

That's Sukuna for "Not legally, but I'll get you a ring"


Actually yes. He's a gentleman and he's half-human. Plus he just feels like it might take away the supposed shame you've brought on your family by even associating yourself with a halfbreed like him.

Curse Users

Suguru Geto

He would but it would be for tax benefits lmao. You'll be down at city hall and he's signing the dotted line going;

"Anything to ensure my baby monkeys get their inheritance <3"

He might humour you by wearing a suit there, and buying you a dress so you don't feel left out.

Special cases

Junpei Yoshino

Oh absolutely. 

He'd want it to be themed too. You might have to have your first dance like the prom scene from the first Back To The Future movie lmao.

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