Choso as a Father/ Step-father

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Seriously. He won't let shit happen to ANY of them.

-It doesn't matter what time it is, he'll travel anywhere to bring them home. He won't be mad for long, he's just happy they're home.

-Even if they make horrible mistakes, he still loves them and he'll try his best to help get them out of it.

-He is absolutely whipped. Your art student son/daughter needs him to stand still for hours as a model? Absolutely, does he need to do anything else? He will hold any pose for them so they can get it right.

-Did someone mention family trips? Yes sir, and you have a picnic at the park every Saturday if there's good weather.

-He knows exactly what they want for Christmas and birthdays. He observes them the whole year to ensure he has it right.

-If any kids are getting picked on he's going to their parents and threatening them. He will not hesitate .  
"If your little rat ever touches my baby again I will throw it"

-Cries at their graduation.  And recitals. And the first day of school. And the first time they spend time away from you both.
-Seriously, your four-year-old would be having a meltdown when missing you both while being looked after by a family member or someone close (Most likely Yuji) and he will be doing the same without realising it.

-You married Mary Poppins. He literally has a bag filled with random stuff they or you might need at some point.
Some of the stuff he carries around is as follows; Sanitary towels, bandaids, hair ties, umbrella (froggy), storybook, raisin boxes, fruit shoots, crackers,  Flintstone vitamins, and those scooby-doo snacks things.

-Makes them take pepper spray with them regardless of gender. If anyone harassed his kids they get the spice.

-The only reason he hasn't maimed his kid's boyfriend is that he knows they would know it was him <3

- If low key scared their partner could take his kids away. He gets jealous.

-He is always the one who says "Let's have another one."

-HE IS SO ENCOURAGING. Do they want to learn an instrument? Sure, let's go and pick something you'll like. Do they dream of pursuing the culinary arts? He's taking them to the grocery shop each week so they can pick out ingredients for things they want to practice making.

-Most importantly. He has the dad snore. And the sneeze that makes his back click :)

-He's the ally dad that comes to pride, gets asked what his sexuality is and just drops, "No, I'm here for my son. He's in the parade :D " 


The best decision you ever made.

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