Referring to them as your husband/wife

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First Years

Yuji Itadori

He gets kind of bashful at first, but he'll play along after a couple of seconds. He's very blushy

I feel like after he'll ask you whether you meant it or were just messing around with him.


"Hey, about today. Did-Did you mean it when you called me your husband?"


"Of course, it's fine if you didn't! I was just wondering-"


"I mean I wouldn't mind if you did mean it"

Megumi Fushiguro

He'd instantly feel a little more relieved given that now he knows that you're at least ok with the idea of marriage or something similar.

He probably won't do it back around others before asking.


"Would you... Would you like  it if I called you something like that too?"

Nobara Kugisaki

She's playful about it. She teases you but isn't mean.


"Nu-uh, if you want to call me your wife, you have to buy me the ring to go with it.~"

Second Years

Maki Zen'in

Literally, isn't fazed. At all.

She says it back like it's nothing and doesn't really acknowledge it either.


"Huh? I thought you knew I've been referring to you as my wife for ages"

Toge Inumaki

Toge can't really say it back but you can tell he likes it because he'll hold your hand and scrunch his face up like he's smiling more than ever. 

Anyone who understands his rice ball speech will tell you that he absolutely calls you that stuff too.


"Dude, Toge's been calling you his wife since last year"- Panda

"In fact, he's been browsing ring stores since last year"- Maki and Yuta

Yuta Okkotsu

He will stutter but he'll do it too. He's probably pretty relieved that you did it because it means that you probably aren't opposed to the idea of marrying him.


"If you wanted to, I'd marry you right now"


Kento Nanami

Is flustered but won't show it apart from a slight blush. Might not do it around you but he may start referring to you as his other half or future spouse.

Will start browsing for rings after that, if he wasn't already


"I like that word. Would you allow me to call you something like that every day?"

Satoru Gojo

It lowkey terrifies him, not gonna lie.

He's not really the type to get married in a legal aspect so he might try to hint at you that he wouldn't marry anyone.


"I love you, you know that... It's just that i don't think marriage is for me. We could call each other that, but just never actually do it. It's a lot of pressure. I love you"

Cursed spirits


Giggles like a little gremlin, no cap.

Let's be real, he's probably been calling you his wife since before you got together, he's a weirdo.


"Finally so acknowledgement!"


Acts like he hates it but when he's alone with you he gets cuddly but won't tell you why.


"God, cant I just give my girl some goddamn affection? Next time I won't bother!"


Falls in love with you a little more, if that's possible. Like seriously, he might melt right there.


"I love you. Let's get married right now"


Curse Users

Suguru Geto

Straight up surprised Pikachu face moment. He'll just end up loudly awwing at you after a moment too.


"Awwwwwww.... You love me!"

Special cases

Junpei Yoshino

Might wonder if you're actually talking about him, sadly. He doesn't have a high opinion of himself.

If you assure him that you mean it, he will most likely just go into happy shock.


"So you'd actually marry me??? WOW!"

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