🍂Ch 2 - Welcome to Oakhaven🍂

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"Welcome to ... Oakhaven I guess?" You pursed your lips at the overcrowded grounds around you, already feeling anxious at seeing all these tourists.

"Do you have any clue what's going on here?" Your uncle asked you.

"About as much as you. Not much." You softly replied.

"Sure we always get a few leaf peepers, but never like this. This is a – !"

"Circus." You finish his sentence, earning you a head rub from him. "My thoughts exactly."

As some of the crowd before them parts, a familiar face gets spotted shaking a tourist's hand "Oh, there's the mayor! He'll know what's going on." Taking your hand in his; you holding your portable music player in the other, your uncle lead you and Mystery Inc towards the tubby mayor himself.

"Welcome to old Oakhaven! Have a wonderful time! So glad you could come!" The mayor laughed with delight as he shook another's hand.

"Mayor! Mayor Cory!"

"Ben, my boy! I'm glad you could come home to see this!" He approached your uncle, shaking his free hand like old friendly acquaintances do. Then his eyes drifted over to you, face lite up in recognition. "My oh my, this wouldn't happen to be little miss Y/n now, would it?"

You squeezed your uncle's hand on reflex from the focus shifting to you, only to receive a squeeze in kind; the reminder that he was there. "H – Hi Mr. Mayor." You shyly smiled.

"I thought I spotted you in the background earlier. Definitely has that Ravencroft appeal. Yes indeed!"

You mentally cringed at the thought of him spotting your mysterious, lonesome self conked out against the tree earlier. "T – Thanks I guess."

"And I see you brought some friends and their dog!"

"Dog? Where?" Scooby-Doo asked, looking about for said dog in question, still unaware he was it.

Mayor Cory chuckled heartily, "Welcome! The more the merrier!"

"But what is all this?" Ben asked him as he gestured out with his free hand to all the wandering tourists.

"It's great, isn't it? Business is booming. Not like a few months ago when it was slower than maple syrup on a cold day."

"Hey Ben!" A familiar, gray haired pharmacist carrying a stuffed opened cardboard box strolled up to you all, smile wide.

"Hi, Mr. McKnight."

That's when said man noticed you by Ben's side. "Last time I saw you, you were but a small tot, just like my little girl. Now look at you, all grown up." His eyes crinkled with unbridled pride for you.

It has been years since you were last seen in your old hometown, after all. "Nice to see you again too, sir."

"They do grow up so fast." Ben gave you nothing but warmth in his eyes towards you, making you gulp and look down at your feet; cheeks burning with bashfulness.

"Welcome home, you two. Here, have a t-shirt before my store sells out. You can wear it to the concert tomorrow." Mr. McKnight pulled out said t-shirt to your uncle before handing one over to you.

"Concert?" Ben asked with a raised brow.

"The Hex Girls." Fred piped up.

"You've heard of them, Fred?" Daphne asked.

"Just now." He then pointed to a banner hung by two light posts showing in big red and blue lettering.

"Oakhaven Autumn Fest, featuring the Hex Girls." Daphne read out loud.

"Hex Girls ..." You felt a strong stir inside you chest as you walked a bit to stare at said banner closely, your mind in a strange trance; a bit mystified even, " ... cool name."

"A local group. You'll like them. Kinda spooky." Mayor Cory ominously spoke.

"I met the ghost of Oakhaven ... and lived!?" Ben exclaimed; utter shock painted on his features.

"Oh, not again." You muttered, already knowing where this would lead.

"Ghost!?" Shaggy and Scooby looked freaked out.

"Jinkies! Looks like there's a ghost in your own backyard, Ben!" Velma looked excited.

"Not only that, but it's his own ancestor ... the ghost of Sarah Ravencroft." Mayor Cory confessed.

"That's ridiculous." Considering she's your ancestor too, you too took personal offense.

"My thoughts exactly. I thought we've gotten past all this witch nonsense." Ben spoke, crossed.

"What can I say, Ben? Ever since we built our Puritan village, her ghost has appeared many times." The Mayor added.

"Don't tell me. You disturbed her spirit with the construction." Fred stated, smirking like a know it all.

"And now she's haunting the town." Daphne finished that statement.

"H – H – How did you know?" Mayor Cory was quite surprised they hit the mark.

"Ghost hunting's our specialty." Velma replied.

"Oh I see."

"Did you say ..." Uncle Ben started.

" ... Puritan village?" And you finished.




A/N: To whoever is continuing reading this, thank you.

Hopefully making short chapters helps make updating easier and faster for this book.

Until next time, bye bye~!

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