🦇Ch 5 - The Hex Girls🦇

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"Daddy told me you were back in town ... but to see you again with my own eyes ... after all these years ..." She offered her hand to you which you gladly took as she helped pull you up. "You still look the same." Her teasing smile made you fluster up.

"T - Thanks?"

"W hose the cute little stranger, sister?" The bright dyed redhead woman asked as she appeared on your left.

"She gives off quite a strange aura." The blonde pigtails woman spoke as she appeared on your right.

"An old friend." The ebony haired woman replied while crossing her arms, eyeing you quite curiously.

You knew those mesmerizing green eyes anywhere. "Sally?" Seeing her cheeks blush from you saying her real name, after all this time, your cheeks burned hotter as you timidly took a step forward. "You look ... different." Your heart hammered in your chest as you reiterated quickly. "Uh - good different!"

"You got yourself quite a catch here, Thorn." The red head commented.

"T - Thorn?" You quirked your head, confused.

"My stage name. This is Dusk and Luna, my band mates. Girls, this is Y/n Ravencroft, the one I told you about. We use to play together as kids ..." The reminising glaze in her eyes faded as her disappointed frown made your heart crack up. " ... But then you moved away and I haven't heard from you since." You winced at that. "So, what are you doing here?"

"I just got back today, waiting for my uncle. Then he brought this group of mystery solvers with him who are invested in the Witch's Ghost and well - try and solve it or something." You tried explaining; heated bashfulness surfacing to your cheeks. "And now my music player is done for. All my tunes, gone." You moped as you picked up your cracked ruined player.

"A Ravencroft, huh? Your uncle's craft is quite horrifc." Luna commented.

"Yeah, horrifically killer." Dusk added, smiling at you with those fangs.

A sneaky idea popped up in Luna's mind; grinning all cat like. "Ya know, we were just gonna head off to practice for the concert tomorrow. And we don't give private concerts to just anyone. But having a Ravencroft in our midst would amplify our powers greatly."

"Girls," Thorn gave off a warning tone.

"Aw come on, Thorn. Just this once." Dusk lurred, wrapping her arm around one of yours; making you flush harder.

"What do you say, sister Thorn?" Luna asked their leader, wrapping her arm around your other one; you were a red faced mess. Intoxicated by their smokey earthy scents intermingling, feeling light headed and shy from being so close to these gothic, attractive ladies. Especially the black and red haired beauty that pursed her red lips in deep thought; those green teal eyes pouring such strange emotions into her longing stare.

She gave out a surrendering sigh. " ... Fine. But just this once."

Her seriousness melted away a bit as her voice took on a more sultry, seductive voice as she leaned in to your face; her own fanged smile making your heart flip.

"Time for you to hear some new music."




Fred, Daphne, Velma and Ben waited along with the tourists in the Puritan Village for any signs of the Witch's Ghost. However, there came a point where that wouldn't transpire.

"Come on. We've been waiting here an hour. The ghost is a no show." One disppointed guy announced to the waiting crowd.

"Maybe she'll show up at the concert tomorrow." A lady with a camera suggested as the crowd dispersed; muttering to themselves on said letdown.

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