Chapter 8: And They Fell in Love

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Let's get one thing straight. Claudette Rousseau was graceful, elegant, and carried herself in a way that made all the other ladies jealous.  I, the girl currently holding Claudette's body captive, was anything but a lady. 

"Straighten your back! You walk like a hunchback." Emilee sipped tea as she shouted instructions from the sofa. She had decided it was her responsibility "as the only lady of the house" to teach me how to act for the upcoming party.      

"Could I go to bed now?" I grumbled as a tried to straighten my back all while keeping the books on my head balanced and walking. "I wouldn't want to look like a raccoon while meeting the royal family." Tillie held back a laugh as she poured Emilee a new cup of tea. 

"You will look like a raccoon regardless if you can not even stand properly." Emilee huffed, though she did tilt her head to look at the grandfather clock on the far wall. "It is getting late though so I shall be retiring to my room. 6 more laps and you may do the same." 

"SIX!" I said in surprise, dropping the books off my head. The ballroom was practically the size of a basketball course. And at the rate it took me to walk in these heels I would be able to sleep till midnight. A smile flashed across Emilee's face. 

"You wouldn't want to make a fool of your uncles, would you? Marquis Rousseau has given you this invitation and Baron D'aurville will be acting as your chaperone. If you do poorly it is not just you who will suffer." I nodded my head glumly, what she said did make some sense. In the world of the novel status was everything, even one mistake and you could be cast out by your family forever. "Now that I have thought about it more, I think 8 laps should be best." 

"What?" I said shocked but Emilee just stared at me with that smug expression. She smiled as she walked out of the ballroom a maid closing the door behind her. 

"You don't have to miss," said Tillie, after the sound of Emilee's heels had faded. "I won't tell anyone, you can trust me." I sighed a bent down to pick up the two books I had dropped. 

"It's fine Tillie I'll do it. Besides, it can't be that hard." I was wrong. I was VERY wrong. By the time I got to bed my feet and back were killing me and I had a headache from trying to focus on too much. I threw myself onto the bed, curled up under the blankets, and then just as I closed my eyes- 

"Miss Claudette it is time for you to get dressed." I opened my eyes to see Nanny standing at the end of my bed. I groaned and threw a pillow over my head. Today was going to be awful. "Come on Miss, you wouldn't want to be late for the prince's birthday." 

I darted up out of my bed. Suddenly wide awake, as if I had drank a gallon of coffee. The Prince. Today was going to be amazing!   


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