Chapter 12: But He Was Strong

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"YOU GAVE HIM YOUR RIBBON?!?!" screamed Emilee, her tone of voice would lead you to believe I had given him a human organ not a piece of fabric. 

"I didn't have anything else to give as a gift," I replied, though I didn't dare make eye contact with her, instead I stared into the mirror pretending to admire the ball gown Tillie was dressing me in.  

"You didn't have to give him a gift! Your uncle already bought him one!" Oh.. well she could have told me that! Emilee sighed running her fingers through her hair. "It's fine everything is fine... just" she looked at me exasperated, "please don't embarrass yourself anymore in front of him."

"I'm not going to-" I began but was interrupted by a knock at the door. 

"Who is it?" Emilee called from her spot on the couch. She had taken full advantage of our temporary room and didn't seem likely to move. 

"My lady, his royal majesty the King wishes to have a private audience with you," replied a woman from the other side of the door. "I am to escort you there." 

I turned to look at Emilee surprised to hear the King was asking about her. But Emilee's face sent chills down my spine. She looked as though someone had just told her her entire family was dead. Was this not the man who she had Cordellia with? Who sent her child support payments in secret? How could she be scared of him? 

"c-coming" she stuttered over her words as she quickly made her way to the door and slipped away into the hallway. 

"What was that about?" I murmured under my breath though Tillie heard me. 

"Maybe they are rekindling their old relationship." Gossiped Tillie.  

"Ew" me and Camilla replied at the same time. It was just the three of us in the room, nanny had stayed at the house to watch Cordellia, and as such there was no adult to contain our conspiracies.  

"Someone could finally be reprimanding her for being so mean to me?" I suggested though Camilla just shook her head. 

"Unlikely," answered Tillie "I bet you she is a part of a secret organization and is being called in for a new mission" 

"Even more unlikely" replied Camilla quickly. 

"Yeah, I don't think anyone would want Emilee to be part of their organization" I joked though Tillie only huffed dramatically in response. 

"I'd like to see you come up with a better idea Cammie," She smiled mischievously. Camilla thought for only a moment before responding, 

"It probably has to do with the payments for Cordellia," she paused briefly before continuing. "If I had to bet he probably wants to change how much he is paying, and she isn't happy about it"

"What payments for Cordellia?" asked Tillie, I stared at her confused waiting for her to reveal she was joking. 

"The childcare payments," I said but Tillie seemed just as confused. "Because Cordellia is his kid."  

"WHAT?" gasped Tillie in genuine shock. 

"Are you sure we are sisters?" joked Camilla. "Everyone at the manor knows, it's pretty obvious. She looks just like him. " 

I had always wondered why no one in the novel realized Cordellia was the King's daughter. Every time someone was told their reaction was usually "of course, how could I not see it?" which always left the question of, yeah why didn't you see it? It wasn't as if they made any attempt to hide Cordellia's eyes, the royal family's most prominent feature. But now seeing Tillie so confused has led me to the conclusion that it is probably such a crazy idea no one considered it. 

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