Chapter 14: A Witch Came to Break Them Up

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When I opened my eyes I was sitting on a couch and Claudette Rousseau was sitting across from me. I had never seen a human being more elegant in my life, even in her body I doubt I could ever compare. She held herself with the composure of a lady, a polite smile danced across her face and kind gray eyes peered at me curiously as she sipped her tea. There was no doubt in my head that this was the original Claudette. The one I had replaced. I looked down at my hands, a scar on my thumb revealing that I was once again in my body.

"Oh good, you're here!" Claudette chirped. A thousand questions swirled in my head as I looked around at the expansive black void that surrounded us. The only objects were the couches we were sitting on and a chair which surrounded a coffee table. And to my right was the most curious thing in this room, if it could be called that, a gigantic gold door decorated with vines made of emeralds. "Don't worry she'll be here soon."

I looked confused at Claudette who seemed completely calm as she sipped her tea. And here I thought things couldn't get any weirder.

"I- what?" I stumble out too confused to even complete sentences. Just then there was a loud creak from the doors as the emerald vines began to move. The golden doors swung open and a middle-aged woman marched out. She wore a simple black suit, her brown hair was cut short revealing a star-shaped birthmark on her neck. Some part of her face sparked recognition in me but I couldn't place it. I have to assume she is from my world, outside of the novel, but who was she? And where am I?

"Oh good, you're here" The woman hissed as she slunk into the chair, propping her feet up on the table. Disgust erupted on Claudettes face but she attempted to disguise it by taking another sip of tea.

"She already said that," Claudette opened her mouth to speak but the woman cut her off.

"Live in the void for too long and that tends to happen," Smiled the woman. Though she paused before speaking again, giving me time to notice the complete absence of sound other than us. "But don't you worry, answer us and you can leave."

"Don't scare her!" demanded Claudette in a joking tone, though the woman just stared at me. Her dark eyes stared into mine. Claudette's teacup clattered in her hands which were shaking with restrained anger. "Darinella!"

"Oh my gosh!" I gasp, my hands shot up to my mouth in shock. "YOU'RE JULIAN'S MOM!!!!"

She rolled her eyes at me as if this wasn't the weirdest thing that has happened to me all year. And I've died twice!

"But you're dead!" I looked at Claudette, "You both are!"

"I wish," muttered Claudette.

"Look girly, I'm gonna need you to chill out okay?" Darinella didn't wait for my response and kept talking. "You have already ruined enough of my plans and I already wasted enough of my magic trying to get you here. So...." She raised a finger to her mouth, shushing me. I nod in agreement.

"There are nicer ways of-" Claudette is cut off as Darinella leans forward putting a finger to her lips. Claudette gives her an angry look as she shushes her.

"You are right Elizabeth, Julian is my son. I'm the king's wife, which means I am your queen." She says the last comment is directed at Claudette who rolls her eyes. "But I am also from your world, Elizabeth. And I'm the one who brought you here,

"When I was giving birth to Julian I had a vision. It told me the story of his life and how it would end in tragedy. I refused to let my son die the villain, so I clung to life. I was ripped in between our two worlds, the only thread holding them together but I refused to die. I tried to send him assistance in any way possible but over and over again I watched my son die. And then I found you. I had published that book in the desperate hope that someone would sympathize with my son, the villain. And in all my lives, you were the only one. That is why you are here to save my son."

"Wait, what?" I stuttered out, confused. "So you- and I-"

"You are here lady Elizabeth in my body because we need you to save Prince Julian," Claudette stared at me, a burning passion in her eyes.

"Save him from what?" I asked.

"His destiny," Darinella said as if it was self-explanatory.

"Gonna be honest with you, that's not really a thing I know how to do," How in the world do you change someone's destiny? Darinella and Claudette shared a look and I realized something, "You guys have no clue do you?"

"If I knew, don't you think I would have done it already?" sighed Darinella, "If there was another option I would have done that but I don't have much magic left. You fainted just now wasn't on purpose. I think" she paused, taking a deep breath, "I think Julian must have inherited some of my magic because his presence weakens my spells."

"Are you telling me," I laugh at the ridiculousness "That you want me to save Prince Julian but I'm not allowed to go near, or else what?"

"You would get transported back to your home," Claudette said calmly.

"Or you would be trapped in this void for all eternity. Or you know die" Darinella shrugged. Claudette threw up her hands in anger, looking like she was about to attack her queen. Suddenly the entire room shook. I desperately grabbed onto the couch as silverware clattered off the table. Darinella jumped up, eyes wide and Claudette shot her a worried look.

"You have to go. Now" They said in unison as Darinella pulled me up from my seat and pointed behind me. I turned to see a door, not unlike the one she had entered through except this one was wide open. I stumbled as I tried to walk over to it, the ground still shaking violently. Darinella grabbed me from under the arm and began helping me towards the door.

"WAIT!" I stopped and Darinella stared at me confused. I turned to look at Claudette who had begun to carefully make her way toward us. "Who killed you?"

"I'm sorry I don't know," She frowned and Darinella tried to push me forward but I refused to move.

"Please! You must remember something!" Claudette scrunched her eyebrows as she desperately tried to rack her mind for anything important from that night.

"Come on, we have to go!" Shouted Darinella as she pushed me towards the door. I tried not to fight but within seconds I was a foot away from it. Suddenly Claudette's eyes went wide.

"There was a red handkerchief on the floor with some crest I don't recognize!" There we go, finally, I had something to go off of. Though it would be better if I could stay and ask her more questions.

"That-" Was all I managed to get out before Darinella pushed me and I went falling through the door. For a second there was nothing only darkness then in the blink of an eye, I was lying in a bed staring up at a needlessly ornate ceiling. I was back in the palace. 

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