Chapter 10

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Five years have gone by.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the flight to Switzerland is boarding soon, and thank you for choosing Fast Airline," the overhead speaker announced. From a distance, the clicking of high heels walking away from the boarding lines with a black Ovis suitcase trailing behind was echoing toward the exit. A lean mature 20-year-old lady in black skinny jeans with an almond corduroy shirt had arrived and was leaving the airport. She stopped mid-way as two men blocked her way. She took her sunglasses off and said, "How did you know I was arriving?"

The old man chuckled, "do you really think I won't find you even if you use money, I double the price."

She cursed before saying, "what brings you here, Gramps."

He shot a glare at her before saying, "Hmm, let me see my granddaughter left aboard without contacting me for half a year. Let's see why I'm here." He sounded upset.

"Well, let's see the last time I contacted you. You tricked me and almost made me work in your business again for a year," she said, upset as well.

"Fine, alright." Faye's grandfather had given up on the fight. "I won't bother you into working for me again," he pouted. "But still, you didn't contact me for half a year. Don't I get a happy greeting? Am I not your grandfather?" he whined and added, "you don't care about me as you did to your grandmother." He was upset as he constantly used that against her to make her feel bad.

She rolled her eyes and smiled before saying, "Alright, gramps, I am sorry that I didn't call you for half a year," trying to cheer her grandfather up before making their way out.

Far from where Faye and her grandfather were, a tall young man in a black suit also walking away from boarding lines had stopped once a young girl with big clear eyes shouted, "Big brother, how was your trip?" However, the young man was distracted from the direction where the mature young woman had disappeared. "Dave?" the young man finally spoke.

"Yes?" his assistant said.

"Are you sure? You still haven't found that girl?" he said seriously.

"Yes..?'' his assistant said nervously.

"Well, I want you to check again...," he said, lingering fear into his assistant's heart.

Sitting in her grandfather's black car, she remembered five years ago.
After leaving her grandfather's office, she immediately went straight to work. The first thing she had to do was take her bank that was under her parents and transfer it to another bank without letting her parents know that it was gone as she used the money to shut the bankers from alerting her parents. Soon after, she created a new bank account and transferred all the money her grandmother had given her. Then went to invest in businesses and stocks that she knew would become a big hit. And after a year, she was a millionaire and had the money to pay back her grandmother's property.

As she arrived back at her grandfather's office, she sat down and went straight to the point, "Do you want cash, or do you want me to transfer money?" She leaned back on the chair, waiting for an answer. However, the old man just smiled before saying, "who said that's all I wanted." He leaned back in his chair. Before she could speak, he said, "I want you to work for me for three years." His assistant pulled out a contract.

"Sorry, but you did not say that before we made the deal," Faye said, but he just smiled.

"Well, we didn't have a contract, so there's no proof about our deal," he said. She wanted to argue and storm off, but she knew he didn't care because it was her, who wanted something from him. So she grudgingly said, "only for a year."

"Two years and a half," he replied.

"Year and a half," she negotiated.

"Two years is the farthest I'll go," he said.

"Fine, but I want it on my terms," she said, crossing her arms.

He just smiled, "Well, that doesn't work for me. How about you go over the contract and what you dislike or want to add, then you can contact Ben." Her grandfather pointed at his assistant. She sat straight up and pulled the contract to her before leaving. "I hope to hear from you," her grandfather said as she didn't reply and left in defeat.

She signed the contract after she tweaked the contract, as she will only work for 7 hours a day and an hour-long break, which meant she only worked for 6 hours, and she was only to check if the contracts between companies were beneficial and fair and if other companies were good to profit. She was shocked to find out that her rude, cold-hearted grandfather agreed to it and realized he wanted her to help him determine which companies were good to invest in.

During the time of working for her grandfather, she entered college as she kept her promise to her grandmother. She pursued floriculture and became a tea sommelier, and her grandfather allowed her to take days off if she had exams, but every day she had to have lunch with him and play checkers in the evening, but once and a while, they played poker with Ben.

However, after the 2-year contract was over, her grandfather played the pity card on her as she was leaving him, and how she loved her grandmother and not him, so from that day on, she continued to have a close relationship with him.

"Faye? How was your trip?" Jerry, her grandfather's longtime driver, asks as they stop at a red light. Jerry was a mid-age man who drove her grandfather for as long as he could remember. He was a very sweet old man.

She snapped away from her thoughts before saying, "it was lovely and peace-ful." as she said loud and clear to make her grandfather snore. She smiled at her grandfather. Her grandfather was also like an egg, just like her grandmother, but he was like an ostrich egg, harder to break and larger, which meant he was a bigger baby.

"How was the sight?" Ben asks. Ben was also around the same age as Jerry. He was an uptight man but a kind one. He has been with her grandfather for as long as Jerry. Ben and Jerry were her grandfather's most trustworthy workers.

"It was extremely beautiful and refreshing," Faye answered. During those five years, she became extremely close with her grandfather's assistant and driver as they were also her additional grandfathers. As the phone rang and Ben answered.

"So, what do you want to eat?" her grandfather asked her.

She thought for a minute and said, "Hmm, I'm thinking steak?"

"Sorry, but sir, Mr. Dave wanted to speak with you about the contract," Ben said before hanging up the phone. Faye could tell her grandfather was not planning on going because he wanted to have lunch with her, so she said, "It's fine, Gramps, we can have lunch tomorrow. I also have something to do. I have to go pick up my handsome boy.''

"Alright," her grandfather said before nodding to Ben while he recalled Mr. Dave.

"Jerry, you can stop here," Faye said as Jerry stopped at a simple, yet beautiful coffee shop. "Thank you, Jerry," she said and got out. Before she could ask Jerry to open the truck, her grandfather read her mind, "Jerry will bring your suitcase to your condo."

"Yes, don't worry I will bring your suitcase to your condo safely," Jerry said and smiled brightly.

"Thank you, Jerry. You are a lifesaver," Faye said cheerfully before they drove off to the company.

In the moving black car, the air remained completely silent before Ben spoke, "She truly has grown up into a young lady."

"Yes, but a stubborn one," her grandfather said, not knowing what to do with his granddaughter's stubbornness.

"But that's what makes her. Faye," Jerry chimed in.

"Indeed," her grandfather said as all of them smiled.

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