Chapter 54

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Faye arrived at the ceremony separately to avoid being with Leo since she didn't want those feelings to come back. She had arrived a little late. Once she entered the ceremony before she went searching for Leo, someone dragged her to a secluded area.

"How dare you!" her father whom she hadn't seen in awhile was raising his hand. Before the palm of his hand smacked her face, she caught his wrist before throwing it back down. "Y-YOU!" her father said in disbelief, with his face getting redder.

Faye's eyes narrowed, "Why not use your words instead of being physical? Aren't you aware of where you are? Do you want to expose your face to everyone?" She sneered coldly, causing her father to become angrier as he held in his trembling hand from acting irrationally. Her mother immediately pulled her husband back a bit and scanned the surroundings to check if anyone was present since she didn't want to ruin their faces.

"I got a phone call from the Richardsons saying that Parker is canceling the engagement because you didn't want to go along with it. Do you know what this means to us? We are going to lose our partnership with them!" her angry father roared.

Faye scoffed, causing her father to explode as he raised his hand again. However, this time, her mother stopped him, "Dear, watch your action. People may come and see. Also, Faye was probably talking nonsense, and Parker misunderstood."

Faye said, "You're wrong. Parker didn't misunderstand. He was right. I want to cancel the engagement. However, why does it matter to me?"

"See! She's not denying it!" her father roared with his finger pointed at her. "L-looking at her. Such an ungrateful daughter!" he stuttered in anger but also in nonsense.

"Daughter?" Faye smirked before placing a finger on her lips, "Shh, did you forget I'm your niece?" Those words shivered into their spine and shocked them in fear as if their words came and bit them in the butt.

"F-Faye... what... are you... talking about..." her mother stuttered, seeing a whole new side of her.

"Did you forget? I'm your niece. So it doesn't matter if the engagement is canceled with me. Just continue it with your daughter. No one will notice the differences," Faye said coldly as she left them speechless.

Before she could disappear from their sight, her father snapped out and said, "Faye, we are not done talking!" Her father remembered what he also wanted to talk about. When he found out that Faye was working in the Ming Company, he thought he could use her to get Robert to join his company.

"Is that so? Well, I think we're done," she said, leaving them. Both of her parents stood there, speechless. They didn't realize how her clear eyes were so cold.


"Where were you? You took a while," Leo said as he spotted her. Once he saw her, he immediately knew something happened. "Take it easy. If you want to go then you can," he said as he patted her head. She was exhausted after meeting Parker and now her parents, but once he touched her head, the exhaustion disappeared and her heart throbbed with her cheeks burning hot.

"I'm fine," She stuttered quickly.

"You don't have to lie. I can tell," he said, "in your eyes," he whispered, causing her ears to burn.

The feeling. She quickly shoved his hand away from her head. "Stop talking nonsense," her voice quivered in anger. Her legs acted quickly as she walked(ran) away. He was going to follow after her, but then someone came up to him, blocking his way.

Faye's legs were taking her toward the exit. It was too much...

"Faye?" a voice called her, making her legs stop. She turned her head back. "It's really you. I thought I was seeing things," Lake said, walking towards her. "What are you doing here? I wouldn't expect you to show up. Knowing your personality," Lake said, causing her to remember the reason why she was here as she turned her head to look for Leo until she found him, talking to someone. However, she could tell he was trying to rush the conversation as he was looking at her too. "Faye?" Lake said.

"I... owe someone a favor," she replied back.

"Oh," Lake said, looking at who Faye was looking at as he felt sort of sour.

"Why are you here? A singer like you doesn't seem to belong here," Faye said.

"Oh, well... my aunt wanted me to come today, so I was kind of forced to come," Lake said, scratching the back of his head.

"Aunt?" Faye said.

"Yeah, she was the one who took care of me most of the time since my parents were busy, so I owe it to her," he said. "She owns the well-known MG Jewelry company," he said.

"Oh," Faye said, surprised as she didn't know Lake was related to her. "Yeah. Well, Faye-" Lake was interrupted by someone.

"Faye?" a fake voice called out nicely to her. The glamorous lady in a beautiful dress walked towards them. "Faye," She called out sweetly to the point of disgusting Faye.

"Rin," Faye put her act and hid her great killing intention.

"I'm so happy to see you here. I've been trying to find ways to contact you, but there was no luck. Finally, I got you," Rin said sweetly at first until it reached the end, where it sounded sweet but deadly.

Faye displayed a sweet smile as well, hiding her smirk. "Is that so," she replied back.

"Where have you been?" Rin asked.

"Here and there," Faye says briefly, making Rin annoyed by Faye's actions. "Oh, well. Let's contact each other so we can catch up," Rin said, displaying a friendly vibe.

"I'm sorry, Rin, but I'm pretty busy," Faye smiled sarcastically. Before Rin could find any other excuses, Lake said, "You are?"

"Oh, you must be Lake, the famous singer!" Rin acted innocent. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Faye's cousin," she said, displaying a sweet charm on him. However, Lake just looked at her and smiled to be nice to her since she was Faye's cousin.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you," he said plainly, causing Rin's smile to tighten in irritation.

"You're friends with Faye, right," Rin asked nicely.

"Yes," Lake smiled in embarrassment as he blushed. Seeing Lake's smile, Rin's smile died as her eyes showed great hatred. "Oh, did you know Faye was such a clumsy person," Rin laughed sweetly, covering her smile. She wasn't planning this, but since this is also a great opportunity to humiliate Faye, then she will do it. Faye's eyebrows raised slightly without anyone noticing, knowing what Rin was up to. She remembered clearly that Rin used to do this all the time back in the past.

"Clumsy? Really, Faye?" Lake smiled, not believing it.

"Yes. One time, when we were in high school, we celebrated Parker's birthday. When she brought the cake, she clumsily tripped and smashed the birthday cake on Parker," Rin chuckled, covering her smirk. She wanted to embarrass Faye and make Lake feel awkward, not knowing what to say.

Faye looked at Rin, thinking that she was such a child for being so stupid to think that she would be embarrassed. To be exact, if she remembered clearly, it was Rin who tripped her, causing her to smash the cake onto Parker and ruining the cheerful atmosphere.

"Faye did that?" Lake smiled in delight as if he was extremely happy to know something about Faye. Faye looked at him in disbelief for such an innocent kid Lake was, as he really does remind her of Ian but maybe more sillier. "Well, she wasn't as bad compared to me. I accidentally tripped and made the cake land on my grandmother's head when I was a kid," Lake said, laughing. Rin stared at Lake in anger, thinking Lake ruined her plan as she fake laughed with him to hide her anger. She clenched her fist together and thought Lake was stupid to think so great about Faye.

Rin said in her head, "Fine, you two match each other. Both stupid." She signaled the person to come.

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