Part 12

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I take it back. Great people my ass. She didn’t let me get a blink of sleep last night.. She kept joking around, making me play games with her and watching scary movies.  Whenever I fell asleep, she pinched me awake. Heck! She even dumped a mug of cold water on me.

And thanks to her, I can't keep my eyes open, let alone thinking straight. She dipped school apparently " to catch up with her sleep". What about my sleep?! That cunning jerk.

After reaching school, all eyes were on me. People were whispering.  I know yesterday's incident has already spread through the whole school. But none of them dared to come up to me or say anything mean to me atleast. I just ignored them and walked straight to my locker. I had more serious things to worry about.

I somehow took my books , slamming it shut I started to walk down the hallway when I bumped into someone.

I looked up to see stunning baby blue eyes. What was with people having stunning eyes these day. It was a guy who clearly was way taller than me and towered over my small body easily. He was fairly handsome and had cute freckles. He looked like a handsome teddy bear who'd also be really good at cuddling.. I'm not making sense, my brain hurts. Realising the guy was saying something I came back from my train of thoughts.

" um..what was that? I didn’t get you"

" I said are you alright? I wasn’t looking, sorry".

" oh. Yes yes. I'm Alright. I wasn’t looking as well. It's okay"

"  You looked really deep in thought just now. What were you thinking so much about that it made you not hear what I said?"  I stayed silent. I certainly couldn’t tell him I was checking him out..But he seemed to understand the meaning behind my silence.

" I know i'm hot. But to think I made you daydream is an honor,madam " he said winking. I tried to cover up the fact that he caught me by rolling my eyes.

" Neh buddy, don’t think soo highly of you. I wasn’t thinking about you. " yeah right.

" Oh really?  What were you thinking about? " he smirked. Amusement dancing in his eyes.

"I was....." what do I say..shit.

" yes, you were...? Keep going" man I wanted to slap that smirk of off his face.

"I was...Thinking about how the earth and life came to existence and if humans had existed all those years ago when the meteors hit the earth, would we be one of the extincted  species? What if the meteors hit the earth again. These are very very important things you know. We need to think about these" i blabbered out whatever came to my mind.

The guy stared at me and looked like he was trying hard not to laugh but then started laughing which made me blush at my stupidity.

" Yeah yeah. Right. You were thinking about that. Sure sure. We should think about these. It's veeery important " he said mocking me.

" hey! It is important. Stop laughing"

" Never said it wasn’t. Nice cover though. I'm Connor by the way. What's your name?"

" I'm Alyssa" I gave him a big smile.

" Okay, miss Alyssa of the earth and life research Institution, I shall proceed to my class now. But if it is possible, we shall talk again during lunch break, what do you say? " he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Hey, stop mocking me already.  And, I would like that. But..."

"But what?"

" Are you sure you wanna hang out with me? I mean.. I'm sure you know what happened yesterday. People are already gossiping about it. You might get pulled into the drama as well. I don't want that.."

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