Part 33

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The sound of things being thrown around and breaking could be heard throughout the hallway. Inside the chamber stood a seething Arestair with his bloody hands. The room itself was in a shattered state. 

The fact that Cayas, a man,  came as close as to breathe the same air as his Alyssa was setting his heart on fire. His face was so fucking close to her. A little movement could have resulted in a kiss..

Was this what they called jealousy?

Seriously? He has surely felt jealous before, but the pain this time felt enough to burn his entirety.

He felt this immense, irresistible attraction towards Alyssa that staying away from her for too long made him go crazy. But he felt pain every time she gave him the look of pain. 

Her fear for him turned him on like no other. Her pain aroused him and pained him all at the same time. He was conflicted with his own emotions.

On the night of the party, she looked so ethereal, elegant, gorgeous, and breathtaking. He felt like he was gonna drown in her beauty. But the guilt of hurting her a few days ago resurfaced when he saw the almost faded bruise marks on her neck and wrist which were given by him.

The marks were faint, but they were there.... The person he claimed to love, was hurt by none other than him. He felt guilty.

 After the last time, he had decided to be kinder to her and give her some space. So that she at least gets a little bit comfortable around him and her fear for him subsides a little.

He just..wanted to refrain from hurting her again. Staying away from her was like staying away from drugs. Agonizing and painful. But he was willing to do it.

He also wanted to make her comfortable enough to talk in his presence. She usually stays shut unless spoken to when he is around. Which is kind of sad to him as he wants to talk about every kind of thing with her. But all he can manage to get out of her are tiny meek answers laced with fear.

He was willing to let it go even if something ticked him off for a while. That was the only reason he let Cayas roam around her. 'Cayas just had to be here at the worst time possible', were Arestair's thoughts.

Cayas was supposed to be here for a few days only to discuss some issues, nothing more. He was not supposed to be anywhere near Alyssa. Ares didn't stop or punish or warn him... 

Not because of their long friendship, not because Cayas was a mafia leader, nor because he cared for him. But because he wanted to give his princess a little bit of comfort.


And he was realizing the severity of his mistake right now. That look Cayas gave Ares as he whispered something in Alyssa's ear screamed challenge and war. At least in Ares's eyes.

He let the one person who could snatch her away from right under his nose ....get near her.

Before Cayas left, Arestair warned him with utmost seriousness, 'Don't start a war you won't be able to bear the consequence of.'

'Well well, we won't know the receiver of the consequences until the end of the war, will we? Also, where is the topic of war coming from?'  was the answer he received.

'You know very well where the topic is coming from. Why did you get so close to Alyssa.' Arestair seethed.

'I don't know. I just felt like it.' he shrugged.

'Stay away from her. You will not go anywhere near her from now on, let alone talking to her.'

'You're not my boss Ares. Nor is she your property. I will do as I please. If I wanna get near her, I will. If I wanna talk to her, I will. You can try and stop me. I don't care.' Cayas replied nonchalantly as he turned around to leave the room.

' Also, if I made up my mind on something, stopping me won't be easy, even for you. Am I wrong?'  he gave Ares a sideway glance and smirked before leaving the room.

The thought of destroying their long-lasting friendship seemed very tempting to him at the moment, which worried him. The friendship he used to cherish so much became valueless in an instant when it came to his Alyssa.

Ares felt frustrated and furious for not being able to do anything as he felt torn. Thus, the room became his victim. Mericio stopped him from breaking his knuckles and bandaged him. If Cayas is serious about doing something stupid, he is not gonna hold back either.

'How do I stop this pain though........this pain in my heart....' he couldn't stop asking that same question to himself.

He went back to his room late at night. The lights were off. The moonlight seeped through the balcony dimly lighting up the room. There she slept peacefully on one side of the bed. Ares knew she had this habit of always sleeping on the furthest corner of the bed and curling up like a cocoon. Most probably because of him.

It probably made her feel secure..

He'd always pull her to his chest anyway though. He'd made sure to not do anything during her sleep. The last thing he'd want was for her to have sleep deprivation out of fear. He knew better than to wake someone up from their sleep.

But right now his emotions were ablaze. He was losing his patience..

He climbed up the bed, his body hovered over hers. His arms were on both sides of her head, caging her. He gently moved away the hair covering her face. The moonlight made her look even more irresistible. Like an angel.

'A little. Just a little bit would be okay, right? As long as she doesn't wake up..' he thought as he slowly kissed her cheek.

'Just ....a little bit more...' he kissed her other cheek. Then her forehead, then her eyes, her chin, and again her cheeks.

'As long as she doesn't wake up..' he leaned in and softly pecked her lips and pulled back. He was supposed to stop right there. but he couldn't...

'As long as she doesn't wake up..' he gave her another kiss on the lips, but this time he lingered a little longer before pulling back. He went right back in again. He kept his face really close so that their noses touched even when he pulled back.

'As long as she doesn't wake up..' he held her face gently with his right hand, caressing her cheek as he pecked her again. He gently nibbled her lower lip. He was barely able to pull himself back.

'As long as......' he lost the little restrain he had as he started to kiss her mindlessly. With no intention of stopping anytime soon.

Alyssa suddenly woke up and was really startled. She pushed him away fast and sat up. She backed away from him even though there was no more space for her to go back into. Her back was already touching the headboard of the bed. 

There's that frantic look on her face again. That frightened reaction which appears only when she sees him. But then again, he knows he deserves every ounce of that fear.

' Wh..what are you d..doing...' she whispered as if voice was giving up. Ares didn't answer. 

He just stared at her. Her flushed cheeks made him wanna lick it. And so he did. He licked it. She flinched and shrieked in disbelief. She frantically wiped away her cheek.  He closed the little distance they had. There was barely any space left as his thighs were touching hers almost in a caging manner. 

Waking her up was not his intension. Now that she's awake, he might as well just give in to desires. He leaned in to kiss her. She tries to push him away as usual. He holds her wrists down. He kissed her as she struggled. No amount of defiance was gonna stop him. Nibbling her lower lips, then sliding in his tongue. He savored this feeling. 

The kiss slowly numbing away the pain in his heart.

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