Part 31

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Author's pov:

The next day Alyssa was woken from her sweet slumber by 4 maids. So to say she was grumpy would be an understatement.

Arestair had taken her shopping and made her change numerous times the previous night.  He was very picky when it came to choosing a dress for her.

All the dresses she tried on were gorgeous. But Ares had a set of conditions in his mind for her dress.

First, the dress can't show too much skin. Second, the dress can not hug her body too tight. It must not define her curves for others to see.

Third, her cleavage must not show. And finally, the dress must not be too plain nor too flashy.

Most of the dresses violated those rules in his mind. They were either too gorgeous or too plain.

Too revealing or too tight. She was only his to see. There was no way he'd let others gawk at her.

Thus the choosing process took hours itself.

He did buy her every dress that caught her eye, though she told him not to.

Just, they were not for the party. By the time they were done shopping, it was already midnight.

Poor Alyssa. She always hated shopping. People took so long to choose one single thing. She didn't get the point of it. Why work so hard. Just go, look, and get the first thing you like. Simple.

She kept wondering why Ares was working so hard. She wasn't someone of any importance anyways. This guy literally has kept her captive.

Any dress would have sufficed. But Noooo. This guy just had to be extra like always.

This was probably the first time she met a man who took this long to shop. Until now she thought only women took this long.

Ares on the other hand, found it very cute.  The way she kept on nagging, the look of pure disappointment every time he told her to change into the next dress, and the way she dragged her feet like a sloth due to tiredness were so adorable.

He wanted to carry her in his arms the whole time. But the regret and guilt from last time kept him in check.

The maids wanted to bathe Alyssa. But she shied away. She ran into the bathroom and slammed the door.

There was no way she would let anyone do scrubby dubbis on her body. Nu-uh.

After she got out, the maids did her hair, makeup and helped her put on the dress. And put perfume on her.

This was the dress Ares had chosen for her.

Alyssa actually liked it a lot

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Alyssa actually liked it a lot. The heels he chose were also quite comfy. He gave a lot of thought to buying those. But the thing is, she wasn't used to wearing heels.

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