20. All That Matters

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"Fuck, baby, why are you crying? Did I hurt you?" Maddox asks in panic as he gently pulls out of me once we both catch our breaths. I shake my head, trying to search for words to explain how I feel right now.

I never thought I'd be this happy. I never thought it was possible for me to feel someone's skin against mine so intimately once again. But it's not because I've completely overcome my fears, because I can still barely shake people's hands without feeling like my skin is being ripped off. It's because of Maddox. He makes me feel like the safest girl on the planet.

"I'm just really, really happy." I wipe my tears away, feeling a little overwhelmed, but in a wonderful way.

"Oh, thank god." He releases a breath with a smile.

"If that was you making love to me, I'm scared to know how you fuck." I admit shyly and his eyes widen before he barks out a whole hearted laugh, tugging me beside him so we're wrapped up against each other.

"That means you enjoyed it, right?" His eyes search mine for an answer and I wonder how in hell is the answer not obvious.

"That was literally the best thing I've ever experienced in my life. Nothing can ever compare to that. And no one can ever compare to you, actually." I mean every word.

The way he made me feel is unparalleled. He ignited a fire inside of me full of passion and need for him that nothing can douse but his touch. And it had me losing my mind just a few minutes ago.

"I'm gonna worship this fucking dress till the day I die. First time I saw you in it, I fell in love. Second time I saw you in it you said you love me too. That's one lucky dress, I'm telling you." He points at my dress on the floor and I laugh. He chuckles along, his chest vibrating against me.

"I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that it has been me all along." I think back to all the times he tried to hint that it was me and almost laugh at how blind I was. He literally has been calling me his angel since the day I met him, and whenever he talked about her, he always called her that too.

"I'm up for round two, if you are. I'll fuck that fact right into your brain, baby." Maddox grins mischievously.

I giggle with a blush and subconsciously close my legs tighter. "You have a filthy mouth."

"And you love it." He states arrogantly, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I blush harder now because I absolutely do. The things he said earlier with that sexy voice of his drove me over the edge three times. It has been so long since I've felt such euphoria that he literally knocked the breath out of me each time.

"I love everything about you, actually." I say and his blue eyes shine with happiness, pride and love equally. "You're literally perfect. You've been so patient with me, and you've healed my broken heart and now it completely belongs to you. You're so sweet and kind and you care about me so much. You've filled my entire being with warmth since the very beginning. I love you, Maddox."

"I'll never get tired of hearing you say that. I'm wrapped around your fucking finger, Rose. Proudly too." His fingers play with a strand of my hair, twirling it around.

"I'll never stop saying it, then." I declare with a smile.

"If you ever do I'll spank this tight ass of yours red." He gives me a hard spank that has me gasping in shock. My face is blood red and I'm ashamed to admit how much I liked that.

Maddox's eyes darken slightly and he looks like he's in pain. "You liked that, didn't you? You're fucking killing me, baby."

I gulp nervously. "I didn't do anything."

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