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The morning after that conversation, where Adrian apologized, I think for the first time in his life, is pretty awkward.

Or maybe I'm making it awkward.

I have a talent for that. Making things awkward I mean.

But it was awkward between us way before that, so... I don't really think I'm the one to blame.

At least Adrian left early and me and Levi were the only ones left in the kitchen.

Guess who made himself some delicious tea today?

Me, I did. And I took the biggest teacup there was. A pretty orange one.

There has been an uncomfortable silence for the last ten minutes now, so instead of really enjoying my tea, I try to drink it faster than usual.

"Where are you going?" Levi asks after I finally finish it and stand up to the leave the kitchen to go outside.

So instead I turn around and look at him quietly for a few seconds.

We haven't said a word to each other except a small good morning and now he's asking where I'm going?

"Train. With Tristan. Again."

He nods and I debate on whether I should say anything else but suddenly his face changes and for a second I think he's going to faint or something but instead he jumps up from his chair, startling me in the process.

"What the-"

"Tristan. It's Tristan, he's-"

That's when I hear a loud growl coming from somewhere outside in the forest and my wolf and I are immediately on high alert.

Oh, fuck. That was Tristan. And Tristan in his wolf form is never a good sign because his wolf... well, let's just say he's one of a kind.

I don't waste a second before running out of the house, ignoring Levis shouts and I try to focus and listen to where the sounds are coming from, realizing that they're coming from the training area.

Double fuck.

Before Levi can catch up to me, I'm running again, his worried calls echoing in my head.

It only happened once, the whole two years I know Tristan. It was in the middle of the night and I woke up to a loud, angry howl and immediately recognized it as Tristan's wolf.

I ran outside and shifted into my wolf to follow his scent, only to find him standing over a pretty badly messed-up deer, with blood all over his grey fur.

When I made my presence known his wide, fearful eyes met mine, and before I could do anything, or my wolf could he took off somewhere into the forest.

He didn't come back until seven hours later and even tho he never really explained to me in detail what happened, he said something about this blinding rage that takes over his wolf sometimes.

A rage, that makes him see red, where he can't control himself anymore and everything kinda happens in a blur and when he comes to his senses he never really remebers what happened.

I wish I didn't know what he was talking about, but I did.

I shake my head to get a grip on myself and step it up a notch, shortly after I get to see the open space in the woods.

What I see instantly sends me into a panic and my heartbeat doubles.

Tristans wolf is surrounded by at least five other pack wolfs and he's snarling furiously at one of them, making the pack warrior growl right back but before anyone can attack I jump into action.

"Hey! Stop it, get the fuck away from him!" I shout, running up to the circle and trying to get to Tristan but another wolf stops me from doing so by growling at me.

"Let me pass!"

Another growl from the wolf and that's when my eyes lock with Adrians and I can see the cluelessness about what he's supposed to do written on his face as clear as a day.

Levi runs up to his mate and shakes his arm, begging him to do something.

Adrian focuses on me instead and he shakes his head at me, warning me not do to anything stupid. I know this look all too well. Let's just say I was a... reckless kid.

Well, the look never worked when we were kids and it doesn't now.

"Fuck you," I hiss to the wolf in front of me and that's when I finally shift, my wolf happily taking over and letting out a loud growl, once he is on all fours.

Most of the wolves surrounding Tristan are caught off guard and my wolf takes that as his chance and makes his way through the wolves surrounding Tristan and walks up to him slowly.

When some of the wolves want to attack us, another black wolf jumps up right behind me and lets out a low growl, showing off his dominance to the pack, clearly telling them to back off.

That's Adrians wolf.

Normally the gesture would've made my heart flutter a little, and maybe it does, but my gaze is locked onto Tristans.

When his wolf starts to growl at us lowly, my wolf growls right back and gets into a threatening stance, to make sure the other wolf is only concentrated on him.

Tristans wolf feels threatened immediately and when he attacks, me and my wolf are already prepared.

Because me and Tristan train and fight together a lot, also in wolf form, me and my wolf know at least roughly what his attacks look like and after my wolf successfully fends off some, he finally sees the chance to ram him to the ground and stand over him.

As Adrians wolf wants to step in, my wolf gives him a glare that makes the other wolf growl at him lightly but he backs off nevertheless.

Even though my wolf tries to remain impassive, I notice that the presence of his mate in wolf form is upsetting him. They haven't seen each other in wolf form in a long time.

The last time we shifted in front of them we paralyzed a fucking person.

So that he concentrates again I call out to him and my wolf growls loudly at the wolf underneath us, to make him snap out of it.

When he still doesn't I get frustrated, because I don't want to hurt Tristan but that seems like the only way to get him to regain consciousness.

My wolf takes the decision away from me and when he dugs his claws into the wolf's shoulder, I wince inwardly.

It appears to do the trick and after a few seconds, the wolf starts to calm down and Tristan finally seems to gain consciousness.

My wolf growls lightly again and when the gray wolf begins to whimper softly, mine gets off of him and lets him go, but soon starts licking at the wound, as a sign of forgiveness.

That's when Adrian's loud voice breaks the silence.

I didn't even notice him shift back and my wolf lets out a small whine, not happy that he didn't get to see his mate for longer.

"Everyone leave. Right now."

The fact that he's naked doesn't really seem to bother anyone.

Well, anyone but me. Since when does he have such a toned body?

My wolf scoffs at me.

Nudging his head with Tristans wolf, mine wants to make sure he's okay, and when he nods his head, my wolf lays down next to his and puts his head on his paws.

Slowly, we're the only ones left on the square, and Adrian and Levi look at each other, before looking at my wolf and Tristans.

This is gonna be fun.

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