Today's a Very Big Day

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Three young men slid down and jumped roof tops, jumping from hedges to chimney tops to reach the top of the kingdom's castle. They made it successfully, especially with the guards marching around by the grounds, looking for anything suspicious.

-"Wow! I could get used to a view like this" Flynn Rider admitted as he stared off at the kingdom's land.

-"Rider, come on!" one of the Stabbington brothers growled at Rider in a hushed voice.

-"Hold on..."

-"Yep. I'm use to it"

-"Guy's...I want a castle," he admitted bluntly.

-"We do this job, you can buy your own castle" the other Stabbington brother told him, grabbing the collar of his shirt.

A rope was tied around his waist and one of the tiles from the kingdom's rooftop was removed to allow him to go in to retrieve the princess's crown. After being pulled down, one of the guards, guarding the crown, sneezed.

-"Ugh, hay fever?" Flynn asked, a smirk forming on his face as the guard was clueless to who he was talking to.

-"Yeah" the guard answered, turning his head slightly, but back forward as Flynn was raised back up.


-"Wait! Hey, wait!" the guard called out but Flynn was already out the window.

They ran and jumped off the rooftops and chimneys and past the busy streets of the town to the bridge. Where they rushed as fast as they could to get away.

-"Can't you picture me in a castle of my own? Because I certainly" Flynn asked the two brothers as they ran through a bridge.

-"All the things we've seen, and it's only 8 in the morning!" he exclaimed.

-"Gentlemen, today is a very big day!"

-Back to Y/n's Tower-


-"This is it!" I told Pascal as we put paint away.

-"This is a very big day, Pascal!"

-"I'm finally gonna do it, I'm gonna ask her" Pascal climbed onto my shoulder.

-"Y/n! Let down your hair!" mother's voice was heard from outside of the tower.

-"It's time!" I told Pascal, feeling a bit nervous, but he gave me an assuring look.

-"I know, I know, come on, don't let her see you" he crawled onto the wall we had just painted and I closed the curtains a bit.

-"Y/n? I'm not getting any younger down here!"

-"Coming mother!" I placed my long hair on the hook and dropped it down for her to grab, then pulled her up.

-"Hi, welcome home, mother" I panted out, a bit exhausted from pulling a grown woman up a tall tower.


Early chapter! 

I hope you enjoyed it!


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