I've got a person in my closet

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I was talking to Pascal when a man crawled through the window. A bit scared of seeing a new person for the first time in 18 years I grabbed my favorite pan and smacked him on the back of the head.

-"Ahh!" I ran to hide behind my mannequin.

Gathering up some confidence I walked to the man and poked him around with my pan. I moved his hair, then turned to Pascal for advice and he just pointed at the picture mother had drawn earlier of a 'man' with sharp teeth. I opened his mouth a bit with the pan and saw he had teeth like mine, not sharp fangs or whatever.

-"He looks cute?" I mumbled and looked at Pascal who stuck his tongue out.

-"Okay, okay!" I wrapped my hair around him and pulled him towards my closet.

-A Struggle Later-

I am never doing that again, who knew putting a man in a closet would be so hard. I looked back to the closet and saw his fingers sticking out from the door. I pushed them in, and ran for a chair to block the door from opening.

-"Okay, okay, okay"

-"I've got a person in my closet"

-"I've got a person in my closet"

-"I've got a person...in my closet!" I enunciated, as I looked at myself in the mirror.

-"Too weak to handle myself out there, huh, mother?" I brushed off my pan.

-"Well, tell that to my frying pan" I swung it around, and banged it against the side of my head on accident.


Something reflected off the mirror from the man's bag, it was shiny. I walked to it and pulled out an object covered in gems and diamonds. Each gem gave off a wonderful glow as the sunlight from the small top window reflected through it.

I put on my hand and turned to Pascal for advice which he shook his head. I turned to the mirror and placed it on my head. Pascal had his mouth open in shock but then shook his head.

-"Y/n!" mother called.

-"Let down your hair!" I grabbed the bag and shiny item and put it in a vase before running off to help mother up.

-"One moment, mother" I told her as I hung my hair on the hook then let it fall down.

-"I have a big surprise!" she exclaimed.

-"Uh...I do, too!" I answered.

-"Oh, I bet my surprise is bigger!"

-"I seriously doubt it" I mumbled to myself as I glanced over at the closet.

-"I brought back parsnips, I'm gonna make hazelnut soup for dinner"

-"Your favorite, surprise!" she cheered.

-"Well, mother, there's something I want to tell you-" I tried telling her but was cut off.

-"Oh, Y/n, you know I hate leaving you after a fight, especially when I've done absolutely nothing wrong" I frowned a bit.

-"Okay, I've been thinking a lot about what you said earlier-"

-"I hope your not still talking about the stars"

-"They're 'floating light', and yes, I'm leading up to that" I walked towards the closet.

-"Because I really thought we had dropped the issue, sweetheart"

-"No, mother, I just saying, you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there-"

-"Oh, I know you're not strong enough to handle yourself out there"

-"But if you just-"

-"Y/n, were done talking about this"

-"Trust me!" I pleaded.


-"Oh, come on" I held the chair, ready to move it.

-"Enough with the lights, Y/n!"

-"YOU ARE NOT LEAVING THIS TOWER! EVER!" I let go of the chair holding the closet door up slowly.


There was no power today, until half an hour ago! It was a nightmare!

But eventually it came back and we get an update!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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