Finally Free

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-"I can't believe I did this!" I exclaimed happily.

-"I can't believe I did this..." I gasped in realization of what I had done.

-"I can't believe I did this!!" I laughed and twirled around.

-"Mother would be so furious" I hugged myself.

-Sitting by a Pond-

-"But that's okay" I sat on a rock in the middle of a small pond.

-"What she doesn't know won't kill her...right?" I asked the pink lotus flower I held in my hands.

-Hiding in Dark Caves-

-"Oh, my god!"

-"This would kill her!" I sobbed, pulling my knees closer to me.


-"This is so fun!" I ran around throwing leaves at Flynn, who didn't appreciate it too much.


-"I am a horrible daughter"

-"I can't believe myself"

-"I'm going back" I leaned my head against a tree, frowning at myself for being horrible.


-"I am never going back!" I exclaimed as I rolled downhill on the grass.

-More Grass-

-"I am a despicable human being!" I whined to myself.

-"That's it, I'm going back!"

-"I'm too horrible to come out of the tower!" I sobbed, laying in the tall grass.

-More Tree's-



-"Ever!" I jumped around and ran and laughed happily.


I sobbed quietly as I sat against a pile of boulders and rocks. I hugged my knees covering my face with my hands. I didn't look up when Flynn cleared his throat, or when Pascal tried to 'talk' to me.

-"You know, I couldn't help but notice you seem...a little atwar, with yourself here" he told me, and I finally looked up, wiping my tears away.


-"Now, I'm only picking up bits and pieces"

-"Overprotective mother, forbidden road trip, this is serious stuff"

-"But let me ease your conscience..."

-"A little rebellion, a little adventure, that's good...healthy even!"

-"Y-you think?" I asked.

-"I know, you're way over-thinking this, trust me"

-"Does your mother deserve it?"

-"No" he answered his own question.

-"Would this break her heart, and crush her soul?"

-"Yes" the more he talked, the worse I felt about leaving the tower.

-"But, you've just go to do it"

-"Break her heart?" I asked.

-"In half" he answered.

-"Crush her soul?"

-"Like a grape"

-"She would be heartbroken, you're right" he picked me up from my shoulders, standing me up.

-"I am, aren't I? Oh, bother" he sighed.

-"All right, I can't believe I'm saying this..."

-"But, I'm letting you out of the deal"

-"What?" I asked.

-"That's right, but don't thank me"

-"Let's just turn around and get you home"

-"Here's your pan and frog" he handed me my pan and Pascal, who didn't look too pleased.

-"I get back my satchel, you get back a mother-daughter relationship based on mutual trust" he put his arm around my shoulder taking me back in the direction of the tower.

-"And voila! We part ways as unlikely friends-" I pushed him away.

-"NO! I'm seeing those lanterns!"



This is a long but short chapter, kinda weird, or maybe that's just me.

But I have good news! 

I have finished Hotel Transylvania 1 and I think that story follows this one, I'll have to check but so far the requests I have gotten are...

-The Hunchback of Notre Dame(they wanted a male! Esmeralda x Reader) (I have my ideas set for this one kinda solid so I think I'll do that next, don't depends on what book my inspiration is bigger)

-Alice in Wonderland 2(I have my ideas mostly set up but I'm just finishing up a few details as I finish watching the movie)

-The Incredibles 2 (which is having me in a major writer's block since I have no idea what to do, but I'm getting there)

-There's another one but I can't remember, I'll have to check?

But anything else that is wanted can be added to the list, and yes I will do a Hotel Transylvania 2 and 3, not 4 since I haven't seen it.

I think that's it, really sorry for the long authors note, but there important announcement's so yeah...


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