Chapter 17

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Aone and I left the boardroom and walked down the hall. Once at an appropriate distance I paused. I turned around and looked at Aone.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"She made a whole presentation shitting on me as a person, I'm not ok" I sniffed. Aone stared at me for a few seconds while I fought back tears.
"I'm sorry my love" Aone hugged me "I can go back in there and-"
"No thank you" I buried my head into his chest "I'd prefer to get the dogs then get dinner"
"Are you sure?" He rubbed my back "I could get rid of her for you" he whispered.

I pulled back and looked up at him confused.
"Don't worry about my methods but it can be done" he said.
"No thank you" I said cautiously.
"Are you crying?" Justin appeared behind Aone.
"No I am not crying" I said.
"It's fine to be upset, that was the most evil thing I've ever seen" he said "my wife is going to be furious"
"She would be livid" Aone agreed.
"That is why you are not going to tell her" I said. Both men looked at me strangely.

It was known that I thought of the CEO's wife as a mother figure since mine was so disoriented. She mutually thought of me as a daughter. This caused her to become extremely overprotective with me.

"We all know what will happen if Briana found out" I said.
"Found what out baby?" An arm wrapped around my waist. I looked at the two men and they were both grinning at me. I looked to my right and locked eyes with Briana, the CEO's wife. She looked at me smiling.
"Hi ma" I smiled and hugged her.
"How are you my darling?" She asked.
"Good, I-"
"She was about to cry before" Aone said.
"Why were you going to cry?" She asked.
"Because of McKenzie, turns out Y/n was being treated like shit for a while and she was reporting it to her and she didn't tell me, also she made a whole presentation about why Y/n is a bad person" Justin said.
"Are you serious?" Briana asked. The men nodded.

"McKenzie!" Briana yelled and stomped towards the board room. The atmosphere quickly became tense and a small crowd gathered behind her.
"I hate you both" I said.
"I'm sorry babe but it was the only way" Aone said. We followed her back to the broad room.

Briana instantly started going off on McKenzie. The crowd seemed oddly satisfied by the tyrant's embarrassment.
"If it is not clear, your pathetic ass is fired, you sick fuck!" Briana finished her rant "ok let's get you home sweetie" she turned to me. She held my hand " goodnight everyone, have a good evening"
"Bye Briana" everyone smiled. She led me out of the board room and down to reception. I signed out as she stared me down.
"Ok I'm sorry-"
"The next time you have an issue, you tell me directly" she said.
"Ok, I will" I said.
"If she tells you anything let me know" she looked at Aone and he nodded "alright then" she hugged me tightly "get home safely and I'll see you next month baby"
"Bye ma" I said. We let go and Aone and left the firm.

"I'll drive" Aone shook my keys. I ignored him and sped up. I got to the car first and got into the jeep. I closed the door behind me and put on my seatbelt. Aone got in and looked at me confused "don't run away from me, and don't open or close the doors" he said then turned on the car. He pulled out of the car park and got onto the main road. He attempted to start conversation but I remained silent "are you ok?" He glanced over at me. I avoided eye contact "N/n?" He put his hand on my thigh. I quickly shrugged it off. He instantly took a sharp turn in a random direction.

The car leaned harshly as he suddenly changed directions.
"Have you lost your mind?!" I said.
"Yes" he answered oddly calmly. He continued driving recklessly until he got to the rural part of the city. He drive onto a cliff overlooking the city. I watched him turn off the car then get out and sit the backseat. I looked back at him and he was staring at me. I sighed and got out of the car and joined him in the backseat. I sat across from him and he pulled me onto his lap.

"Talk to me, what is wrong?" He asked. My silence continued and he was clearly growing irritated "Y/n, speak" he sighed "please"
"You want me to speak" I looked at him "if you ever pull some shit like that again we will have issues" I pulled out a dagger and threatened his neck with it.
"Are you threatening me?" He asked. I felt a gun press against my back as we stared at each other. I felt something get hard underneath me. I put hand out for the gun and he put his out in return. At the same time we put our weapons in each other's hands.

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