Nineteen - Leo

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The first rays of sunlight slant through the window and jar me awake. Letting out a sigh, I fling an arm over my face to block out the light.

Morning's come way too soon, but I guess there's no getting around it. Sweet dreams don't last forever.

I readjust in bed but something prevents me from stretching, like somehow my mattress has shrunk overnight. And then the previous day's activities come back in a rush.

I'm not in my bed, I'm on Molly's sofa.

I shove the throw blanket aside and sit up, pushing my hands through my hair. Every muscle aches after sleeping in such a confined space, but that's nowhere near as rough as how Molly's going to feel.

Things went downhill after she got sick in the bathroom, but at least she let me help her off the floor as I tried to avoid the vomit that stuck to her shirt. Trying to maintain her privacy, I did the best I could getting her changed into pajamas and all the while she rambled on incoherently. I tucked her into bed, and set a bottle of water and ibuprofen on her nightstand where she'll see them when she wakes up.

A rustling sound comes from her bedroom.

I fold the blanket and slide on my shoes, then step around the clothes piles and slip out the door before she discovers I spent the night.

Denver's happening quicker than I'd expected. All I'd wanted was to tell Molly I'm leaving, and then I walked into a mess. Going through her mom's belongings really screwed her up. Wish she hadn't done it on her own; it's the kind of thing that requires emotional support. I tried to be there for her, but after all that, she still has no clue I'm transferring out of state.

But I'll worry about that later. Right now, there are more pressing issues on my mind. So instead of going home, I head straight to the hospital. When I get to Val's room, Uncle Al is sleeping in the chair. Val smiles when he sees me and motions for me to come in.

I give him a grin. "After that nap, you must feel like a million bucks," I whisper and pull up a seat.

"You'd think so, but I've got a headache the size of Texas." Val rubs the back of his head. "Brain injuries are no joke ."

"What did the doctors say?"

"That I'm lucky. Should make a full recovery."

"You always have been a lucky bastard." I breathe a sigh of relief. "But seriously, that's great. You really had us worried. You know, if you were looking for attention, you could have told us you were engaged." It starts as a joke, but there's no denying the bitterness in my voice.

"This damn cushion." Uncle Al shifts in the recliner and lets out a moan. He lowers the footrest and rubs his eyes with his palms. "Oh hey, Leo. How long have you been here?"

"Just a couple minutes. I won't be staying long."

"Don't leave on my account," he says. "Actually, since you are here, I'm gonna find a bathroom then head to the cafeteria. I'm starving." He stands and stretches as he makes his way to the door. "You guys need anything?"

Val smiles. "We're good, Papá. Thanks."

Once we're alone, I turn back to him. "Sorry about that. It came out harsher than I intended."

"You mean, about my engagement?" Val shrugs. "I suppose I deserve it."

But his expression is tense. Either he already got an earful about not sharing his good news, or there's something more on his mind.

Jesus, I don't want to have this conversation. "So, I talked to Molly last night. She mentioned something about you hearing every word she said while you were unconscious."

"Oh, yeah? What else did she say?"

"Not much. She said it in passing." And then I pause. "But since we're talking about it, do you remember me being up here the other day?"

Val nods.

"Did you happen to hear anything I said?"

He stares at me before answering. "About how you like Molly? Yeah, I heard."

My stomach sinks, and I rub the back of my neck. "About that..." Damn, what are the right words? There aren't any. All I can do is apologize. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen. She sort of blindsided me."

"Molly's a pretty girl," he says slowly. "I understand your attraction."

I sit forward in my chair. "But it's more than that. Yes, she's pretty—she's beautiful! But she's also kind, and funny. And sweet." I shake my head. "There's just something about her I can't explain."

"Do you love her?"

Val doesn't look angry. It's more like he's curious. "I mean, we haven't known each other for long. But I think the more I'm around her—yes. I can definitely see myself falling in love." When he doesn't say anything, I take a deep breath. "That's why I'm leaving."

"What do you mean, leaving?"

"I'm transferring," I tell him. "To Denver. My plane leaves at noon. I'll be checking out the fire station, and if I'm lucky, tour some apartments. They just had a few guys retire, so my request came in at the right time."

"How long will you be gone?"

I shrug. "Couple days. Or depending on how things go..." I let the sentence die off.

He scratches his head and looks away. "Does Molly know?"

"Not yet. I tried to tell her, but—" I push past the lump in my throat. "I guess I'll contact her later. Actually, I haven't mentioned it to anyone. You're the first."

"I don't know what to say. This must be serious." Val's gaze cuts back to mine. "I never thought I'd see the day where you willingly left Miami."

I want to tell him it's not by choice. That if I don't go, part of me will die. But I refuse to do that to him. "I hear Denver is nice, too."

An emotion I can't place flashes across Val's eyes.

I push away from my chair. "Anyway, I know we're not as close as we were when we were younger, but I guess with you jet-setting all over the world like some kind of famous supermodel, you don't really have the time." I smile to let him know I'm teasing. "I just wanted to check in before I left and let you know I'm glad you're alive."

When I lean in to give Val a hug, his grip is tighter than I expect. "I love you, Leo. I need you to know that."

"I love you, too." When I pull away, I study his expression. "Everything okay?"

His face is pale. "I'm not sure. Just feeling a bit off, I guess."

"Should I get the doctor?"

He shakes his head. "No, it's nothing like that. I'll be fine."

"If you're sure. Hey—keep me posted on how you're doing. If there are any changes or problems, I want to know." I push the chair back where I found it. "And just so you know, I really am happy for you. You and Molly—it's gonna be great."

Val looks like he wants to say something, but instead, he stays silent.

I head toward the door and stop. "I guess I'll see you around."

And then I'm gone.

And then I'm gone

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