Twenty-One - Molly

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This is not the way I envisioned this going down. But with Valentino's parents staring at us like we're a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde, I have no choice in the matter.

There's a real possibility this is going to get ugly.

The hospital venting system hums in the tiles above our heads, sending swirls of cool air around the room. "Would one of you care to explain what's going on?" Marisol asks. Her voice is tight. Tighter than I've ever heard it. Usually, it's soft and sweet with a twinge of light-hearted humor that reflects in her eyes.

Except not today.

The tiny hairs rise on my arms. There are four of us, and four cups of coffee, each with plumes of steam soaring above the rims. Problem is, they're all on one side of the room, giving Valentino's parents an unfair advantage.

"Here, let me help you with these," I say, taking the extra cups from their hands. I pass one to Valentino, who looks like a deer caught in headlights.

There. Now if it comes down to it, at least we'll all have a weapon. It's every man for himself.

Marisol tries again. "Hijo, what is going on?"

I can hear a swallow moving down Valentino's throat. "Mamá, Papá...Molly and I have not been entirely honest with you."

His mother gives him a slow shake of her head. "What do you mean by not entirely?"

Valentino's expression is painful. Even I feel kind of sorry for him. "By not entirely, I mean not at all," he says.

Alejandro tilts his head. "Val, if you have something to tell us, you know you can just say it. We've always told you kids that you can share anything—no matter how bad it may seem. So, what's the problem?"

Valentino closes his eyes for a moment and sucks in a breath. "The problem is that Molly and I aren't engaged. We never have been. We didn't even officially meet until yesterday."

Marisol looks back and forth between us. "I don't understand."

My stomach twists in a giant knot. This is excruciating, and it needs to end now. It's not fair to let Valentino take the fall for something I started. "This is all my fault. I'm the one who got us into this mess. If you want to blame someone, blame me." On second thought, maybe weapons are a bad idea. My aim's never been that good. "If we can all set down our coffees, I'll explain."

"That's a fantastic idea," Valentino says with an obvious sigh of relief.

Once the cups of molten hot liquid are safely out of reach, I square up to them. "It wasn't all a lie. I really was there when Valentino was hit, and I really did try to help. But the paramedics wouldn't let me go with him to the hospital unless I was family, so I may have mentioned we were engaged." And then I cringe, because boy does that sound bad when I say it out loud. "Okay, I did tell them that, but  I promise, I never meant for anyone else to hear it. The plan was to make sure he was okay, and then leave."

"And that's when we showed up," Alejandro says, finishing my thought.

"Exactly! And then the nurse told you I was his fiancé and everyone was so happy and talking about grand-babies. I'm so sorry, but I didn't have the heart to admit it wasn't true."

An uneasy quiet falls over us as the situation sinks in.

Marisol's the one who breaks the silence. "But, Val—when you woke up yesterday, you said Molly was your fiancé."

He nods. "When I was unconscious, Molly confessed what she'd done. I heard every word."

"Okay," his dad says, "But that doesn't explain why you continued with the lie."

Valentino's face goes red. "That's because there's more." He hesitates, then forces the words from his mouth. "I've been dishonest with you for a long time. Actually, a very long time. My friend, Dylan, who came here to see me...we've been dating for almost a year."

I hold my breath. Partly because I'm nervous of their reaction, but also because Valentino's discomfort is palpable. I can feel his fear in the center of my chest. It may have been wrong to keep these things from his parents, but his love for them, and his need to make them proud, is evident.

"Oh, hijo," his mother finally says. "Why didn't you tell us?"

He gives her a sad smile. "I was afraid of what you'd think. I'm well aware of the things you want for me."

"But what I want more is for you to be happy." She crosses the room to sit on his bed. "No matter what, you will always be our baby, and we will always be in your corner—even if that corner looks different from how we imagined. Nothing will ever change our love for you, and I'm sorry if I made you feel uncertain."

Valentino grasps her hand. "I love you, mamà. I'm sorry I lied."

She folds him into a hug. "I love you, too." His father closes the gap between them and joins in.

Relief swells in my chest. Watching them all together like this, laughing and loving and forgiving one another, makes me smile. I debate leaving the room to give them some privacy, when Valentino suddenly bolts up in bed, thrusting me back into reality.

"Oh, no." His face goes pale. "We need to get in touch with Leo."

I try to calm him down. "It's okay. Now that your parents know, I can tell him."

"Tell him what?" Alejandro asks.

Valentino continues. "No, you don't understand. He's leaving. He's taking a plane to Denver. He put in for a transfer."

Something sinks in my stomach. "He's moving?"

"Yes! You're not the only one who made confessions while I was asleep."

He gives me a telling look, but I'm too nervous to believe it. "What are you saying?"

"Don't you get it?" Valentino beams. "He's falling in love, too!"

Marisol watches us like we've both lost our minds. "Wait—who's falling in love with who? I'm so confused."

"Leo and Molly!" he answers. "They both told me they had feelings for one another, and how guilty it made them feel. That's why Leo's leaving. He's doing it so we can be happy."

I shake my head, too many thoughts bouncing around in my brain. "But he can't leave Miami. He loves it here!"

"That's what I said, but his mind is made up. He has plans to see a fire station in Colorado and to look at a few apartments while he's there."

Panic overcomes me when I finally understand what this means. Leo's leaving. Forever. And it's all because of me.

I try to keep my voice neutral. "Did he say when?"

"At noon," Valentino says in a rush. "Molly—you have to tell him before he gets on that plane."

I nod frantically, my gaze shifting around the room. I'm not sure if I should go. Valentino's parents accepted his apology, but they never mentioned mine. And more than anything, I need for them to be okay. I need to know they don't hate me for what I've done.

It's like she reads my mind. "Go to him, Molly." Marisol's expression is earnest. "Don't worry about us. Everything's good here—I promise."

"Well?" Alejandro quips in. "What are you waiting for? Stop Leo and tell him how you feel!"

My face breaks into a grin, but all I can do is nod.

Then I turn on my heel and race out the door.

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