Chapter 24

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The cold seeping through my hoodie and sweatpants doesn't even come close to calming the hot burn of self-hatred as I walk down the empty sidewalk. I rub my hands up and down my arms, shivering as I so vividly remember how his had felt.

I can't believe I let that happen. Even worse, I enjoyed it. It's like he was attuned to my every reaction, each of his movements meant for my pleasure. He was unlike any other guy I ever messed around with. They were focused on themselves. Raffaele wasn't.

I think I'm going to be sick. How can I even think something like that about the man that murdered my father? How fucked up in the head does that make me? For replaying every little detail from earlier and even contemplating for a moment to do it again.

I want to do it again.

I'm so messed up. But so is he! Why can't he just be a greedy monster? Another slimebag that just takes what he wants with no regard for others? No, of course, he had to act like he cared. With the way his fingers caressed me so gently or how he whispered in my ear. Fuck, even his eyes looked fucking tender.

I know I'm supposed to hate him but right now, my hormones are messing with me and all I can think about is that he's the first one to have taken care of me like that.

As I keep walking, my mind goes to even worse places. I see myself in his arms again and fantasize about talking to him. Would he be a good listener? Would he actually care if he wasn't inside of me at that moment?

No. Of course, he fucking wouldn't. Which is exactly why I ran away so quickly after, despite how sore or tired I feel after my two orgasms and the way he fucked me. I spared the both of us an awkward, forced conversation after what was clearly just a mistake made in the rush of emotion. Anger and lust can feel a lot alike.

And the lingerie. Yeah, that was the problem. It makes minds go places. But that's all there was to it. I mentally thank the skies that he at least kept enough of a cool head to put on a condom- which he did judging by the lack of a mess between my legs- since it had totally slipped my mind up until now.

I don't raise my head or look up once I reach the lobby, simply rush toward the elevator and lock myself in my room as fast as possible. Only when my back is against my door and I'm engulfed by darkness and silence do I release a deep breath.

Then I suck in one, surprised by the emotions rushing through me. Fuck, but I can feel him everywhere. The fantom of his lips on mine, the tingling skin of my ass where he spanked me, and the soreness between my legs. I can feel him everywhere and it's too fucking much.

My eyes prick, my stomach rolls and I barely make it to the bathroom before I start heaving. I can't believe I did that. With him. He's threatened my family on more than one occasion, took me as his prisoner for multiple days- sure that was my plan but he didn't know that- and is responsible for my dad's death.

Andre Chevalier would roll in his grave if he knew what a disappointment his daughter has become. A traitor.

I flush the toilet and brush my teeth before taking a scolding hot shower, relieved as the burn seems to wash away the memory of his touch. Only once my skin is red and sensitive do I get out, barely managing to throw on my pajamas before I collapse on my bed and exhaustion drags me under.


I wake up to the ringtone of my father's old phone, hours later judging by the light streaming through the wide windows. I groan and roll over, picking it up without a second thought.

"My favorite little spy. How are you doing?" Dubois asks me. His voice registers through my hazy mind and I snap to attention.

Clearing my throat, I reply, "Very well, thank you. I hope the same goes for you." My tone is sickly sweet and I grimace, realizing it's a bit too much. I only just woke up though so give me some credit.

"Always." He chuckles and I roll my eyes to myself, praying he'll get to the fucking point soon. My prayers are heard. "I'm sorry to cut this short but I'm about to go into a meeting. I'll need my first few documents tomorrow at 6 pm at The Blue's corner. One of my guys is coming to pick it up. You've got it, right?" he asks.

"Of course. I'll be there, six pm," I promise, even though I wish he'd chosen a different spot for the exchange. The Blue is the bar my father always used to let me accompany him to. He knew the owner and was also where I had my first drink at sixteen. After that, it became our tradition to do on every special occasion.

I aced a test? Let's go to The Blue. I won a wrestling match at my gym? Celebration at The Blue. Birthdays? You know where to find us.

My heart clenches painfully at the reminder, knowing this birthday will be different. I turn nineteen in five days and despite it having been my favorite number for ages, I anything but look forward to it now. My dad used to make a fuss about it, promising to finally take me bungee jumping this year- it's what I declared I'd do once I turned nineteen back when I was a little girl- Instead, I'll spend it here, alone and away from my family.

Which, by the way, hasn't tried contacting me since I disappeared. I guess it's not fair to blame them for it, I don't know how accessible a phone is to my stepmother right now and the twins are only six years old. Still, I miss them, and not having heard of them kind of stings.

Whatever, no time to get sentimental over shit no one cares about. There's been a development on the mission which means I need to update Raffaele and tell him to give me the fake documents. Seeing as talking to him is the last thing I want right now, I do the only reasonable thing.

I call George so he can pass on the news.

Here u go w today's chapter:))

I hope all of u have a great day<3

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