Chapter 48

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Luigi, who was supposed to guard the entrance, comes to a halt behind her, looking uncomfortable and breathing heavily. "Sorry, boss. I tried to stop her but she said she'd get me fired. Said you wanted her here," he says, sounding like he seriously doubted it.

A crowd is now openly gathering around us, curious sets of eyes falling heavily on my shoulders.

I don't say anything, still trying to figure out how to act right when a drunk guy somewhere in the crowd shouts, "Get him fired? Who do you think you are? The boss?"

Heat crawls through my veins, the urge to shut whoever said that up for good growing with each laugh that follows his jab at Elodie. Meanwhile, she looks unfazed, glaring in his vague direction.

"You want to ask my fist?" she shoots back. To my left, Diane makes a sound not unlike a choked laugh.

I, on the other hand, am not amused. My men murmur amongst themselves, low "oohhs" ringing off the walls as people wait for what's next. Even worse, most of them are looking at me expectantly.

"That's enough, Elodie," I say, voice stern. Her eyes snap to mine, narrowing obliviously to the gravity of this situation. What the hell is she doing? Can't she tell I don't want to do this? I told her earlier why she shouldn't be here and opened up about my concerns.

It took a lot for me to take that step so why the hell is she disregarding everything?

"You can't tell me what to do," she declares defiantly, a glint of playful mischief in her eyes. Several men around us draw in a hissing breath. I narrow my eyes, hating the way I can feel their attention searing into my back.

They are waiting for a reaction. Expecting one, knowing a public show of disrespect like this usually ends in death in our world. Hell, there have been executions for less.

I feel sick to my stomach at the thought. Of course, I'm not considering actually hurting Elodie. I could never go through with it. But something needs to be done and the longer I wait, the worse I'm making this for myself. For us.

The atmosphere in the room has changed, no longer lively and fun but tense with suspense instead. Fuck, I need to act.

I stand up, staring down at the woman and hoping she'll be able to see what no one else is allowed to. My desperation. Desperation for her to stop acting up and making this worse. Desperation for her to understand.

"Kneel," I order, voice low and lethal. Everything I don't feel.

But for once, Elodie doesn't seem to see through me judging by her stunned expression as she whispers, "What?"

"On. Your. Knees," I repeat harshly, accentuating every word despite the itch they leave on my tongue. I can feel my people holding their breaths. They are demanding a show and I must deliver. My own feelings don't matter. I'll explain later and Elodie will understand.

Right now, my acting seems Oscar-worthy since Elodie's eyes flash dangerously. She believes this is real? How could she possibly? She knows me better than that.

Or maybe this is her trying to prove a point? Did she mean to see if I was going to man up and own who I was in front of the greediest criminals of this area?

Whatever she's thinking, she's mad. I can see the challenge in her eyes. She knows I won't hurt her and for a second, I wonder if she'll defy me. But then, slowly, she sinks to her knees, holding my gaze unflinchingly.

I swallow against the dryness of my throat before forcing my next words out. "Beg," I order, hating myself upon seeing the confusion and betrayal clear on her face.

A round of chuckles erupts around me but one look from me in their direction shuts them up for good. I'm doing the bare minimum to satisfy my men and uphold my image. Familiar and safe, like Elodie called it. It's how I'm wired. They don't get to degrade her, though.

The knot in my stomach tightens when she doesn't speak up to do as she's told. Fuck, she won't let me take it this far. She won't go along.

But I'm too deep in to back out. If I let her go now, after she refused to obey one of my orders, shit will go to hell until I make another statement. Meaning, I'd have to take care of the next person who thinks I'm going soft.

I don't want to do that. Can't go there again. My hands are tainted red too deeply already.

That's why I find the gun in my waistband and pull it out, aiming at Elodie's forehead. It weighs a ton in my hand but I will myself not to let it show. Weakness is death. As pathetic as it may be, I'm not taking a risk that's going to leave Matteo to fend for himself.

"I said, beg for mercy," I repeat through gritted teeth, trying to play my conflict and worry off as anger. I'm nearly shaking with the urge to yell at everyone to stop looking at me. My suit is too tight and this room suddenly too warm.

I recognize the symptoms. Know this is what it used to feel like before I got an anxiety attack.

I bite down on my tongue as discretely as possible, pushing my simmering panic down. Fuck, I want to talk to Elodie. Demand why the hell she's doing this to me. Then apologize.

"Please, boss," she says, accentuating "boss" too angrily but I don't comment on it, grateful she's putting an end to this. A few more words and this is over. "I apologize for my lack of manners and beg for your forgiveness."

I let that sink in for a moment before finally dismissing her. She doesn't grace me with another look, turning on her heels as soon as I give her permission and strutting off proudly.

My men either stare after her or discretely gape at me. I do my best not to lose my posture as I clap my hands and tell everyone to go on with the festivities. As soon as everyone returns to their own business, I allow myself to slouch in my seat next to Diane.

She's watching me curiously so I shrug. "Lesson one, don't let your men see. You don't ever want them to know too much about you. They will use that knowledge as leverage to take you and everyone you care about down."

"So that was you protecting her?" she asks unimpressed.

I sigh. "Partially."

"You know, maybe I don't want you as a friend after all," she says thoughtfully.

"Ally," I correct half-heartedly though I understand where she's coming from. I must seem like a real bundle of joy to her.

"Right, ally," she mocks me.

I hum, closing my eyes for a second to pull myself together before anyone sees. "And trust me, you do."

Here u go, have a fabulous day<3

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