Chapter 4

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*~* M O O N *~*

I was kissing him.

Holy shit.

How did I get here?

What was I thinking?

I was thinking about his lips. His full round lips. I was thinking about how they would feel on mine because he was close. He was so close it had turned me on beyond belief.

I knew he was going to be be a good kisser. I didn't expect him to be that good.

The moment my lips met his, he kissed me like a starved man, as if he have been waiting, anticipating this moment. As if he had grown restless waiting for me to kiss him.

I hadn't expected to find myself kissing a guy I hardly knew. Yet something about him drew me in. I hated that, I told myself, but did I really?

His hot, wet tongue clashed with mine in a furiously heated embrace, dancing around each-other in a sloppy, wet recital. His hands came to my face and roughly pulled me up, a better angle as he left no inch of my mouth unexplored.

It was too much. I couldn't breath.

I pulled away forcefully, pushing myself away from him as I sucked in lungfulls of air.

I couldn't bring me eyes to meet him as our heavy panting filled the hallway. When I did, he was staring back at me, an almost scary intensity in his eyes.

I sucked in another breath, "That never happened asshole, you understand?"

He didn't reply but instead smiled as he continued to gaze at me.

I stepped closer, poking a finger at his torso, "Are you fucking listening? Nobody can ever find-"

Next thing I knew, he was pulling me in, pressing me against his chest, "Nobody can find out how wet I make your pussy, Is that what you're saying?"

"I don't even know you for gods sake."

He laughed, "Maybe not but you want me don't you?"

I didn't answer, instead distracted by the feeling of him against me. I could feel his warm muscular chest through his shirt and his large arms that trapped me to him.

Ok, maybe I did want him. Maybe a little. But there was no chance in hell I was going to tell him that. More fuel to boost his already over-stretched ego.

"Get the fuck off me." I struggled out of his arms, taking a few steps away. "This never happened."

I turned and walked away quickly, forcing myself not to look back at him.

But even still, the throbbing between my legs didn't die down.


The next day, I was dreading walking through the school gates.

It was before first lesson, everyone was hanging out before class and thankfully, he hadn't made an appearance yet. Leon however, did.

He marched up to me and kissed me in front of everyone. Talk about embarrassing.

I pushed him away, "What the hell is your problem?"

His lips were tight line, "What did he say to you yesterday."

Not a question, a demand.

I raised my brows, "Your not my boyfriend Leon, why should I tell you shit?"

The disapproving crease in his brow deepened, "Don't be like that Moon. What did he say. Did he touch you?"

I glanced over at my friends who were listening in. I seriously didn't want to be having this conversation in front of them. Especially since Kayla was mad obsessed over that asshole already.

Not even a minute before Leon approached, Kayla had been bragging about how she was on the phone to him all night after I had given her his number, granted, she didn't know the means in which I'd gotten the number.

Travis, his name was.

If he hadn't been an asshole when we had met the day before, I would have been swooning just as hard.

I pulled Leon out of the class and shoved him at the wall for the hell of it. "Really Leon? Kissing me? In front of everyone?"

He rolled his eyes, "It's not like it's a secret that we're hooking up."

"We aren't hooking up."

He looks at me as if I'm stupid, "You almost let me finger you in a supply closet."

"No, actually, I didnt. If I remember correctly, I never asked you to. I was trying to leave."

"Right, Moon, same fucking thing."

I suddenly wanted to slap his stupid face, "What the hell is your problem?"

He took an angry step forward, "You are my problem Moon. We've been at this for weeks. You never want to do anything but kiss. Yet the moment this creep comes, your spreading your legs like a fucking slut. So, Moon, what is your problem?"

I shook my head, letting his words sink in.

This fucking bitch.

"Your mad because I don't want to fuck you? Your calling me a slut because I don't want to fuck you?"

I stepped forward, looking him directly in the eye and letting the anger course through my veins,
"Your the fucking slut Leon. Your so fucking insecure about you 3 inch dick that your taking it out on me. Calling me a slut when your the one begging me to fuck you."

He hesitated as if he was taken aback.

Typical slutty male unused to being told he's in the wrong.

He fired back at me, "Your not denying that you fucked him."

Typical slutty male trying to defend his fragile masculinity.

I was wrong for it but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of relief by appeasing him. Not like he would believe me if I said no anyway. Typical insecure slutty male.

"And so what if I did Leon? Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. I prefer my personal dildo's 8 inches or more."

He clenched his jaw, the fury clear in his eyes, "Your a fucking-"

I laughed as I cut him off, "Slut. I know Leon. You've mentioned that a few times already.

He looked as if he was about to reply but decided against it. To my delight, he shot me a disgusted look before turning and stomping away like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

Hate to say it but, typical slutty male.

I smiled to myself as I watched him head back into the classroom where he would no doubt huff to himself with a scowl on his face.

My smile instantly dropped as my eye caught onto someone standing not a meter away.

It was Travis.

Shit, I hadn't checked for anyone around before. My eyes surveyed the place, had anyone else-

"Nope, just me." He made his way over in 3 strides.

"Did you hear-"

He nodded, "Everything."

Fuck my life

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