Chapter 16

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~*~ M O O N ~*~

I glared at the table he sat at from across the cafeteria.

Kayla was practically sat on top of him as she gave him that stupid wide-eyed gaze which she thought made her look hot but in reality, just made her look like she had walked straight out off 'A bug's life'.

I couldn't fucking believe him. Travis had failed to tell me that he and Kayla made up the day after she walked in on us at that party.

My face twitched with anger as I watched him pull her further into his lap and plant his lips on hers.

The small part of me that wasn't filled with rage towards him, was hurt. He had been two-timing the whole entire time. He had probably been leaving my house just to go over to hers.
He had been smiling in my face, he had met my parents, all whilst screwing her behind my back. It was so obvious they had fucked.

A hand waved across my face, obscuring my view of him, "Moon? Earth to Moon."

I snapped my eyes away from him and turned to my friend Ariza, "Yeah?"

She raised her brows, "Did you hear a word I said?"


Ariza rolled her eyes, "Whatever he did, he's an asshole."

I sat up, surprised, "How do you-"

She sighed, "It's so obvious Moon, you've been glaring at him and being all grumpy this past week."

I felt a twinge of guilt. I had finally reconnected with Ariza and a few other of my old friends after leaving toxic Kayla and Aimee. It wasn't my intention to seem moody at all, I just couldn't help how pissed I got whenever Travis or Kayla were around.

I breathed out, "I'm sorry if I've been moody, I just..." I really didn't feel up to explaining myself.

Ariza seemed to get that as she nodded, "You don't have to tell me anything. I just want you to know he's an asshole -a blind one clearly- for choosing Kayla over you."

I had never thought of it like that. He had chosen Kayla over me. That was the truth of it wasn't it? I once again hadn't been good enough compared to Kayla.

That crushing reality seemed to choke off the air from my lungs.
I stood up, voices swarming in my ears as I stumbled away from my table.

Once again, I wasn't good enough. That hurt like a fucking bitch.

I think my friends were calling to me but I couldn't focus on them. I was making my way across the cafeteria, deliberately looking away as I passed where I knew Travis was.

Someone knocked into me, spilling their drink all down my shirt.

I stared down at my now see-through white shirt as water dripped from my sleeves.

I looked up to find Kayla with an empty water bottle in her hand.
"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there!" Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

She had done it on purpose. It was obvious by the smile she was trying and failing to conceal behind her hand.

It was such a pathetic attempt at showing me up, I couldn't even muster the energy to be mad. "Kayla, this isn't a highschool coming-of-age movie, lame shit like this just makes you look stupid."

Her smile vanished, "Your the one who looks like a wet dog."

I found I really didn't want to deal with her childish shit, "Suck on my dick Kayla."

Dodging past her before she could say anything, I left the cafeteria and into the toilets. I stared at my wet shirt in the mirror. The soaked fabric clung to my skin and you could see my bra through it.

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