Chapter 12

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*~* T R A V I S *~*

She completely ignored me the next day.
I guess it was starting to get on my nerves.

It was a cycle. She would ignore me. And then she would invite me over. Then sex. Then back to ignoring. As if I didn't exist to her outside of mind blowing orgasms.

But that was our deal. Sex and only sex.

Yet I still dreaded the moments she asked me to leave. Each time, it became harder and harder when she pretended I didn't exist. I found myself staring at her in public, wishing for her to just turn and look at me, even if it was another of her cold, harsh stares. Wishing for her for talk to me, even if it were just another of her spiteful insults.

But she never did.

She was always careful to avoid my eye and avoid me all together. I even got so dam desperate as to flirt outwardly with Kayla just to get a reaction from her.
But she never did react, not even the slightest sign that she acknowledged my presence.

Moon was a master at blatantly ignoring me.

Two weeks and countless hook-ups later, I approached were she was stood at the back of the class with her friends before first bell went.

"Kayla, hey," I greeted warmly but my eyes were fixed on Moon.

She turned instead to her other friend, Aimee, and started talking to her, seemingly oblivious to my presence.

I tried not to wince outwardly.

"Travis, did you get my message?"

"Huh?" I tore my eyes away from Moon, "What message?"

"I sent you a message this morning. My parents are away and I'm having a party on Saturday, you should come."

I forced a grin my face, "Sounds great, who's going?" I guess what I mean was: is Moon going?

"I've invited pretty much everyone but I'll see you there won't I?"
She was up in my face, her hand running up and down my chest. I much preferred it when Moon did it. I glanced over at her but she still hadn't looked over.

"Yeah, I'll be there."

Kayla smiled knowingly and opened her mouth to say something but I got there before her.

I snaked my arms around her waist, "It'll be a good chance for us to have some... alone time together." I made sure to say it loud enough.

Her grin widened. She had thrown herself at me multiple times before but I had always put it off. "That sounds great."

I smiled back, and pulled her face up for a kiss. My eyes stayed open, glued on Moon as she laughed at something her friend said. I couldn't help notice how her eyes flashed slightly in my direction.

Maybe I was being stupid but that small victory made me ever so slightly giddy.

Kayla started full on making out with me so I let her do so. I was just about to break away when a guy approached Moon.

My anger spiked immediately as she turned to smile at him.

Every muscle in my body tensed as his hands rested on her ass and she let him. She let him. Whoever the hell he was.
In fact, she leaned into him. Her face approaching his in what felt like slow-motion. Closer and closer and closer until-

I ripped my eyes away and shut them, willing the image out of my head. She did not just fucking do that. The loud pounding of my heart invaded my thoughts as I pulled Kayla closer, wrapping my arms tighter around her and smashing my lips into hers. In a way, I was kissing away the anger.

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