Chapter 11

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After playing 1v1 for three full days, Yu Tu started to bring her to play 3v3 man and machine match, saying this was to practice small-scale team battles. Qiao Jing Jing discovered that she easily won these, so she could not help feeling a lot more confident.

And then they began actual battles in 3v3 mode, which immediately changed things into a difficult mode. It was not because she was very bad, but mainly because Yu Tu simply did not play like a team member! He always went by himself to the jungle to shoot birds, attack pigs, and slay the little monsters, leaving her and a pitiful random teammate to have to battle two on three. Only when she and the pitiful teammate finally couldn't hold on would he come out to flaunt his skill.

The righteous reason he gave for this was to develop her ability to play under pressure

However, he was after all a god in all forms of studies, so Qiao Jing Jing still learned a lot of things. Not only would he explain the heroes' often-used skills, while playing, Yu Tu would also tell her some details that she simply had not paid attention to before but which were actually very important; for example, last-hitting (killing the minions on your attacks to obtain an extra amount of gold by last hitting them), or for example, adjusting the equipment to be used according to the opponent...

When she used to play Wang Zhaojun, it was basically one set of equipment used in battle to the very end.

The afternoon sun was perfect, shining warmly into the living room. Qiao Jing Jing was nested on the sofa and earnestly playing a game.

It was also a 3v3 battle, and she was using Sun Shangxiang.

Her other teammate was already dead. Yu Tu's Zhang Fei finally came over from the jungle and with a roar below the tower, blew away three people from the other team. Qiao Jing Jing was about to run over to beat someone when she heard Yu Tu's phone ringing.

Qiao Jing Jing immediately went back to the base of the tower.

Every time there is a phone call, the game will slow down. Even if you hang up immediately, the characters in the game will still be frozen for a few seconds. When playing in team battles, getting hung up for a few seconds basically equates to death.

She gave up on her intention of pursuing and attacking. She inadvertently happened to glance at Yu Tu's mobile phone and saw a familiar name flashing on the caller ID — Xia Qing.

To her surprise, it was Xia Qing?

Before Qiao Jing Jing had time to think about anything, she saw Yu Tu quickly press the hang up button. Qiao Jing Jing was a bit surprised. "You're not answering the phone?"

This match ended very fast. Yu Tu stood up. "I am going to make a call."

He went to the balcony to make a call and then came back very quickly, saying to Qiao Jing Jing. "I am going out for a while."

Qiao Jing Jing could not help being curious: "Xia Qing is also working in Shanghai?"

Yu Tu's reply was somewhat thought-provoking: "Should be still in Beijing."

Should be?

Qiao Jing Jing was pensive when she waved goodbye to him. Then she went and played her own game. When one match had ended, she put down her mobile phone, suddenly feeling a little anxious, although it was "should be", some things could not be said for sure. Would she be without a teacher from tomorrow onwards?

The meeting place suggested by Xia Qing was not far from Qiao Jing Jing's home. Yu Tu was not late, but Xia Qing was already in the cafe when he arrived.

After he nodded his head in greeting, he sat down. Xia Qing said, "I ordered an Americano for you."

"Thank you." The waiter just happened to deliver the coffee. Yu Tu asked, "Are you here on a business trip?"

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