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Yu Tu walked out of the lab, took off the white coat and put on his own trench coat. Guan Zai followed behind him, glanced at him, and scornfully said, "Since getting in a relationship, you've been looking more and more like a proper human."

Yu Tu closed the closet with a calm and collected look. "Would you dare not to wear the clothes bought by your wife?"

"Am I like you? I'm more principled, not easy to compromise. Can a dress shirt be more comfortable than a T-shirt?" Guan Zai said proudly.

"You're right." After thinking for a while, Yu Tu said, "But for now, I'll follow her preference. Later, I'll see."

The way he said it..... Guan Zai analyzed this word "later". Could it mean after marriage? Therefore, he was planning to submit first and then reveal his true colors after marriage? Guan Zai looked at Yu Tu, and immediately felt that this was a scum who was using trickery to get a marriage.

With some papers of information under his arm, Yu Tu walked with Guan Zai to the office. Clothes make the man, after all. Yu Tu had always been tall and thin, but he simply used to dress more casually. But now after being made over by Qiao Jing Jing, the suaveness and handsome that showed in his posture as he walked was indeed even more than before.

When they got to the office, Yu Tu said, "I'll get off work together with you today."

After two years of treatment and recuperation, Guan Zai had finally returned to work last month. Of course, he still could not go on any work trips or carry out intellectual work that was too strenuous. Working overtime was absolutely banned by his wife and the leader.

But the new-generation working-overtime madman unexpectedly wanted to get off work together with him? Guan Zai immediately knew the reason.

"Your Royal Highness Princess is returning to Shanghai today?"

"Yes, she is coming back from a location shooting out of the country."

"Do you've time to bring your Royal Highness Princess to come to my house to have a meal? My wife is always thinking of her." Guan Zai was a little sour.

"This time we should have time." Yu Tu's raised his eyebrows, "But Her Royal Highness does not like to be addressed as such. If you still address her like that during the next meal, she'll lose her temper."

Guan Zai and Qiao Jing Jing had met several times. For some reason, the two were always at odds with one another, in a kindergarten child type of way, making Yu Tu and Shen Jing feel annoyed and amused at the same time.

Actually Yu Tu privately had told Qiao Jing Jing to just give in to Guan Zai a bit, but Qiao Jing Jing did not agree. "On the contrary, he's actually unhappy with all of you being so cautious. Moreover, Guan Zai and I aren't really in conflict. We're merely goofing around. See for yourself how energetic he is when he is bickering with me."

Indeed, at this moment Guan Zai raised his eyebrows and scoffed, "Am I afraid?"

Yu Tu said, "She will lose her temper at me. Also, she will complain to your wife. How old are both of you anyway?"

Yu Tu arrived home at exactly five o'clock.

He opened the door. The house was all quiet. But there were two extra suitcases in the living room.

He didn't say anything, and lightly he pushed open the bedroom door. Sure enough, that person was already snuggled up in his blanket and had fallen asleep. Her soft, long hair was messily scattered on his pillow and only a delicate little sweet face with long eyelashes was showing, just like a dream.

Yu Tu walked over, bent down, and kissed her. His action was light, yet he still roused her from sleep. She opened her eyes and took a look, then she put her arms around his neck.

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