Chapter Two (2)

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Chapter Two:

“Please put on your seatbelts, the plane is now landing.” the monotone said from the plane intercom. My hand reached behind me and reached back forward, clicking the seatbelt into place. Moments later the plane entered a low drop. Everyone held on to their arm cushions, except for me. I was nonchalantly turning the pages in Marked, a House of Night novel I decided to bring along to ease my hours of boredom.

I looked out the window and saw a bird's view of a city. I could see the faint green pastures, some lakes and small line grey lines I took as streets. A few minutes later the plane was on the land, pulling to a stop on the driveway.

“You may now remove your seatbelts. I hope you had a wonderful flight with U.S. Airways and enjoy your stay in Harborside, Maine.” the monotone returned once again and I unbuckled my seatbelt and waited as everyone stood in a straight, orderly manner to get off the plane. I was stuck in the back, of course. When I finally got off, the realization that I was in some foreign state finally hit me. Where was I going?! I would get lost and never see my family or friends again. Many moments of hyperventilation later, I followed the crowd.

I must have looked pretty awkward, a seventeen year old girl all alone in an airport looking all over the place wildly. But if I hadn't looked around like a trapped animal I probably wouldn't have noticed a man with my name plastered across a poster boldly. I sighed in relief, broke free from the crowd, and walked over to him. Now that I was closer I could see that he looked a younger, stronger version of my father. Same deep brown eyes and blonde hair. There was a pregnant woman that accompanied him.

She had hazel eyes, and brown and black hair, they both smiled at me when I came over. “Alexandra Bolton?” the man asked. I nodded feebly. “Well I'm your uncle Samuel Wright, and this is my wife, your aunt, Meghan Wright. Welcome to Maine,” he introduced, throwing his arms wildly behind him as if showing me some huge presentation. A young woman with the unfortunate luck to be near my uncle at that moment was smacked in the face by his hand gesture and her head swung back. She looked over at us in shock.

"I am so sorry, are you ok?" Uncle Sam asked, his arms out in front of him to help the woman as Meghan rolled her eyes in annoyance. The woman recovered herself and I don't think I've ever seen someone run away so quickly.

I coughed awkwardly.

“Hon, you're embarrassing yourself. You must be hungry, would you like some McDonald's? Burger King? What do you prefer?” Meghan stepped in, ignoring what had just happened and saving me. I smiled warmly at her.

“I am hungry actually, thanks. I'll take anything at this point.” I said as Sam put his hand on my back and dragged me to follow him, motioning for his wife to follow.

"Honey, did you come with any bags?" Meghan asked, looking at my empty hands quizzically. I'd been so caught up in the rush of the airport that I'd forgotten about my luggage and was very grateful that at least of the three of us, Meghan still had her brain.

"What about that one?” Sam asked for the fortieth time in the last three minutes.

“Uncle Sam, trust me. I'll be sure to tell you when my bag comes around,” I laughed.

“I don't like waiting for something that isn't of importance to me,” he admitted.

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