Chapter Nineteen (19)

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Chapter Nineteen:

Thirty minutes after the accident and the police are still here investigating. I was called upon many times to answer numerous question like what the car looked like, the license plate, and did I see the driver. The only answer I could answer was what the car looked like, a blue two door Toyota that was going well over the speed-limit.

After they let me go I just sat at the curb of the sidewalk, sobbing quietly, I could feel my hair stick to my cheek but at the moment I didn't really care. I was so shaken I didn't even seen Olivia tower over me. Her eyes were puffy and red, with her eyeliner and mascara running. Trembling in tears, she pointed an unsteady finger in my face.

"This is your fault that Keith got hurt! If you stayed in your place when you got here--," she laughed dryly. "--or not come at all, Keith would've still been with me. He would be safe and out of a hospital. But no, you had to go and seduce him in your direction and you almost killed him!" she screamed harshly.

Crying more audibly now, I shook my head and said quietly, "It's not true. I didn't want him to get hurt." She rolled her eyes at me and leaned forward so her eyes were level with mine. They were cold and uncaring. They held hurt also.

"I wish you were hit by that car. I also wish that if you had, you would've died on impact. You better pray Keith doesn't die because if he does I will come after you, you might doubt me because of the time you beat me up but trust me. If I got my hands on you knowing Keith died, you'd be with him five minutes later. Bitch." and that final word she turned on her heel, wiped her eyes and left me bawling my eyes out. 

She was right, it was my fault Keith got hurt and was in the hospital in critical condition. I was the one that deserved to get hit.

* * * * * *

"He's sleeping now though so he might not be able to acknowledge your presence but take as long as you need sweetheart," the nurse told me. She was undeniable beautiful, she had mocha colored skin, light brown eye and a powerful aura around her. I knew 'sleeping' was just the polite way to tell me Keith was still unconscious. 

I nodded and entered the room and walked toward the hospital bed. His face wasn't too bad, just a few red bruises here and there. It's when I lifted up the blanket I broke out in tears again. There was unavoidable black and blue bruise on his side that stretched to his hip to an inch below his armpit. There was gauze wrapped around his chest. I brought my hands to my mouth and shook my head, tearing soaking my hand.

Keith was a total of 165 pounds of pure muscle and if that accident did that to him, what would it do to my 120 pound frame? I'd probably be six feet under. Covering him back with the blanket, I took his hand and sat down on the chair next to the bed.

"This is all my fault and I'm so sorry. I was--I don't know what I was thinking. You should've let me get hit, I can't believe after all I said to you and acted towards you you still saved my life. I don't know if you're either courageous or incredibly stupid." I laughed sourly and began rubbing the palm of his hand.

"I'm really stupid, here I am talking to you when you probably don't even hear me," I looked at him, half expecting a movie scene to happen where the hospital-stricken actor wakes up and there's a touching reunion but Keith just laid there, unresponsive and breathing out a tube.

Sighing, I got up and placed his hand at his side. Then leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I'll visit you everyday. I promise," I walked out the room and past the hospital exit. The pleasant weather annoyed me, I'd rather it be thundering, or cloudy or something to fit my mood. I dragged my heavy feet twenty blocks to Sam's house.

I got in and took off my shoes without a word, I walked into the living room and saw Sam and Meghan staring at the television in awe. I strode over to them to look at what they were watching. On the TV was a picture of my school, police and everything.

"Keith Waters is now being hospitalized at the local Hefner Hospital after going through a hit and run, saving another student known as Alexandra Bolton. Another student, requested not to be named, says they were arguing when Alexandra crossed the street unaware of the speeding car heading toward her. Bravely, Keith ran up and pushed her out the way taking the hit himself. The patient is now under critical condition, police are still looking for the driver of the vehicle." 

The man left the television and I grabbed my hair in frustration. "Alright I get it, it's my fault! Why the heck did they put it on the news?!" I turned around to seeing Meghan and Sam giving me sympathetic looks. Meghan walked up to me and wrapped her hands around me.

"I get that you feel guilty for this but you couldn't have seen that coming. Keith had a choice to what he did. Obviously he knew what might happen when he got in front of that car. Be grateful he's still alive, all we can do is pray and let him we care." she told him, stroking my hair lightly. 

I pulled away as politely as I could and ran up the stairs. Now everyone knows that Keith's car accident was all my fault...

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