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After her Maghrib prayers and duas, Nadia laid down on the couch in the living room, she smiled as she read through comments, reviews, and compliments. She was still scrolling through when the entrance door pushed open, "Abdallah is back" she said to herself,

She quickly adjusted her posture and sat well keeping her phone away, she was too engrossed in her phone that she didn't hear when he honked.
Nadia scurried towards his direction to help him with his suitcase when his tall and broad figure came into view,

"sala-" she said as she tried to collect his suitcase, but she was stopped when Abdallah stretched his right arm with his hand fully extended signifying that she shouldn't come closer,

"keep it to yourself" he said transferring his suitcase from his right to left hand. He placed his right hand into his corresponding suit trouser pocket before he continued,
"do you not have shame?" he asked,

"what?" Nadia asked lowly, confused as to why he asked her such a question out of the blue, "you can't just do anything you want because you have a name to uphold now" he said angrily, "I don't understand" she said with confusion clearly written on her face,

"Even if it isn't my choice, you're my wife now" he said, "and I can't let my name be toyed with" he added,
Nadia was still confused, she knows she hasn't done anything that might have infuriated him because she clearly avoided that.
"Take down the video that you made, where you were shamelessly speaking" he said raising his lips in disgust,

"so, it was about the food video, but there isn't anything bad in that, why is he so angry?" she thought to herself,
He turned as he walked towards the staircase, "I don't have a job that's why I decided to start making videos like that" she said, "but if you're not pleased with it, I'll never make such again".

Abdallah halted in his steps as he heard her speak, guilt engulfed him as she explained, he didn't know why he acted that way himself, it was very unlike him to lose his cool over trivial issues, "I'll get you a job" he said before advancing into his room,

"Did I just hear that right?" Nadia squealed happily. Regardless of what he said to her, she makes sure she doesn't get affected by it, now that he was going to get her a job, she was very much happy. No matter how much she liked making food videos, she still preferred a proper job. She just prays it works well, and would be a job she likes.


The next morning, Nadia woke up fully energized. After her morning prayers, she prepared breakfast for Abdallah, setting it on the table until whenever he comes down to eat.
Nadia is an early bird, so she prefers to do everything early in the morning.
She briefly arranged the not so dirty house, then went back to her room to get dressed.

Since Abdallah told her he was going to get her a job yesterday, she hasn't set her eyes on him. Even when she prepared dinner yesternight, she went up to his room to inform him, he told her he wasn't eating, but nevertheless she left his portion in case he changed his mind. Surprisingly, when she woke up this morning, the portion she left was cleared off.

Nadia wore a dark purple flay satin dress after applying her body lotion, she was gently applying kohl in her eyes when she heard a knock on the door, "Come in" she said as she quickly covered her hair with a small veil. The door handle moved up and down continuously, but the door refused to open. She scampered to unlock the door throwing off her veil in the process when she remembered that she locked it from inside.

The door opened to reveal Abdallah in his fitted workwear of dark coloured gray suit and tie, his strong and sweet-smelling cologne filled Nadia's nostrils, Nadia wasn't aware that Abdallah was equally checking her out, this is the first time he's seeing her without her veil on, and she looked beautiful, her thick black hair went down spreading over her shoulders, the purple dress fitted her perfectly. When their eyes met,

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