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"Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar" the sound of the adhan resonated through Nadia's room waking her up in the process, she said her dua for waking up before scrambling out of the bed.

After her rakatain fajr and fajr sallah, she raised her hands up to ask Allah for his mercy and blessings. Her train was to leave by 6:55 am, and it was already 5:30 am. She quickly had her bath and dressed up, before going to knock on Abdallah's door, since he promised to drop her at the train station.

She stood in front of Abdallah's door adjusting her wristwatch that was almost falling when the door pushed open almost hitting her, Nadia shrieked in fear because she narrowly escaped being hit by the door,

"sorry" Abdallah said quickly holding the door in place, "I didn't know you were standing there," he held her forearm impulsively to scan if she was hurt anywhere.

"Uhmm I was just about to knock on the door" she said wriggling her arm that was tightly gripped by Abdallah, he awkwardly released his grip in response to her action.

"Are you ready?" he asked her seeing as she held her small sized purple box,

"yes I'm" she said smoothening the crease that formed on the arm of her blue flay cotton gown.


Abdallah swerved his car into the parking lot of the train station, he unbuckled his seat belt before opening his car drawer removing the white train ticket, Nadia collected it from him when he handed it to her,

Regular: seat 50.

She wondered why he booked the regular seat instead of VIP, not like she had a problem with that, but for someone like Abdallah who had everything it was odd.

He alighted from the car slowly, walking towards the boot to remove her box, Nadia followed his guide as they both walked towards the waiting area.


Announcement, All the passengers of Q9 train should start boarding, the train is about to take off.

The sound reverberated throughout the waiting area from the speakers placed in different directions. Nadia got up from her seat when she heard the instructions, she faced Abdallah clutching her box with her right hand,
"uhhm so," Nadia started awkwardly," take care of yourself" she said trying to move forward, but Abdallah was In her way,

"wait," he stopped her while searching his trouser pocket, he brought out his business card and placed it on her palm, "call me if you arrive at Kaduna" he then shifted from her pathway, so she could proceed,

"Ok I'll" Nadia replied clutching the card in her hands tightly, she didn't realize that she doesn't have his phone number not until now that he gave her his business card, "goodbye" she said shyly moving out of his gaze, he waved at her as she went towards the train. Abdallah stood in his position, watching as she disappeared into the crowd before he finally went in his direction.


"Nadia!!" Nadia scanned through the crowd to find the person who was screaming her name, "over here" she heard again, she looked back and found Aaima walking towards her,

"subhanallah I've been calling your name" she said rubbing her throat soothingly, "how was your journey" Aaima asked embracing Nadia,

"sorry" Nadia giggled breaking out of the hug "I've been trying to get where the sound of my name was coming from, my bad" she said placing her hand on her chest as a sign of apology,

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