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Yunus took the resistant pills before leaving for Suleiman's house. He removed the sleeping chemical dissipator from his pocket before fixing it back again. He smiled as he drove towards Suleiman's house.
Yunus got down of the car with a smile on his face, the smile that hid the secrets lurking in his wicked heart. He sauntered towards Suleiman living room.

"Yunus yunusa" Suleiman laughed when he saw his friend approaching,
"sule Suleiman" Yunus replied, shaking his hand as they both walked towards where his wife, son, and daughter were seated. "salam alaykum, Noor and Idris, how're you?" He said turning to where they were seated watching a movie,
"walaykum salam" they both replied in unison. They squatted from where they were to greet him, before turning back to their movie. Suleiman's wife also greeted him before turning back to the dhikr she was making.

"Yunus seat down" Suleiman persuaded when he noticed his friend was only scanning his environment, he wasn't attempting to have a seat,

"no, don't worry I just came to see you guys, I'll take my leave now" he smiled before turning towards the entrance. Suleiman quickly went after him,

"why?, just for a few minutes" Suleiman said, but Yunus had other plans. He had already dropped the sleeping chemical dissipator beneath one of the sofas when he entered, the chemical will start having its effect 10 minutes after activating it. He didn't trust the resistant pills he took, so he wanted to pretend like he was leaving, then wait in the car until the chemical effect is over.

"I'm going to Abuja now, I just came to bid you goodbye" he smiled leaving out of the door with Suleiman trailing behind him,

"okay call me when you get there, safe journey" Suleiman said when Yunus got into his car,

"okay" Yunus replied revving his car engine to make Suleiman believe that he was actually leaving. He waited for Suleiman to enter his house back before he turned the ignition off. He dragged the bomb he had prepared beforehand from underneath his passenger seat. Yunus waited for about 15 minutes when he was sure the chemical would have worked before going back to Suleiman's house.

He tiptoed towards the window close to the entrance. He smiled evilly when he saw them lying unconscious on the floor, "it worked after all" he muttered under his breath before going into the house to plant the bomb.

After planting the bomb in a corridor, he set the timer to 9 pm, though he had a remote control that will activate the bomb immediately he pressed it. Yunus walked towards Suleiman with an evil smirk on, he poked his lifeless body playfully, "you said I can never win if you're alive. Though you were only joking, I never took it as a joke, I took it more than seriously" he scowled before he continued, "Now that you're dead, maybe I can win then",

Yunus looked at his wife and two children who laid on the floor also, "I'm sorry, but you guys have to go with him", he was about leaving when he noticed Suleiman's last daughter Nadia wasn't present, "luck is really by my side" he laughed walking out of the house. He knew his daughter had some strong connection with Suleiman's daughter, He's happy she isn't here, at least his daughter won't be sad. He phoned the gunman he employed to watch over them in case any of them woke up to begin his work.


Alhaji Ahmad didn't wait for the election to be over before he left Abuja for Kaduna. He was thrilled when Yunus informed him that he had already planted a bomb in Suleiman's house.

Alhaji Ahmad got annoyed when he entered into the house and Hajia Maryam didn't greet him, he wasn't aware that she was lost in thought. He broke the glass on the table close to her loudly bringing her out of her reverie, "you can't greet again!" he bellowed,

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