Chapter 2

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"Why am I so drawn to the blonde and brunette?" My voice came out light and soft.

"I had a feeling that would be your 1st question." He smiled, "They are your mates,"

I looked at him confused, "My what?" At my words to growls were heard, and I turned my attention to the blonde and Brunette to see them already looking at me with mixed emotion.

"You do not know what mates are?" The Raven haired king asked.

"No, I actually know little of your kind, due to the fact I just found out you exist not even 3 hours ago."

"I see," he Stepped closer. "What do you know of our kind?"

"will. I know that those of you with red eyes drink from humans, and Gold eyes mean You drink from animals. I know that you can't go out into the sun, Or else you will look like a disco ball." A few chuckles were heard, "I know you have heightened senses, speed, strength, hearing, sight, and smell. And I know that some of you have gifts, but it's very rare."

"So you know nothing of bonds?" The sad looking king asked, and I Shook my head No. "Bonds to our kind are very rare, and special. And I have the gift to see those bonds, There are many different ones. friend bonds, sister and brother, and so forth. But the two rarest and most important to our kind, are that of the mate bond, and the true child bond."

I Nod my head along to his words letting him know that I'm listening carefully and taking in his words. "The Mate bond is the most Special, a Mate, or mates in your Case, Is Kind of like a soulmate, They are your other half, or Half's." I became shocked by his words and looked to the blonde in brunette.

soulmate!? or, Soulmates!? Soulmates are real!? and they are my? but no you can only have one, right? I thought you only have one soulmate? and they were your other half, Not to mention their vampires, how can they have Soulmates if they're "Solace monsters" ?

"I know that This is a lot for you, Julieta." Aro said.

"Yes, it's...I don't understand your majesty how can you have Soulmates if in your words, you are "solace monsters" ?" The king let out a high pitched chuckle at my question,

"My sweet Marcus said it was kind of like a soulmate, not that the mate bond is that of Soulmates." My cheeks became red as I became a bit embarrassed,

"Oh." Is the only thing that leaves my mouth as I turn away from the king looking towards the ground.

"oh my sweet, It's quite all right." I felt soft cold fingertips touch my jaw line, and I turned my gaze to meet that of the king who is now in front of me. "A mate is our other half, When we find them they become the most important thing in the world to us, The reason we say it is like Soulmates is because we can feel each other's feelings, Pain, And hear each other's thoughts. and Once we find them we can never leave their side, We become forever bounded to one another in body and all. To forever love, Cherish, respect, and be with for all eternity. That is why we say it is like Soulmates,"

Wow, He says that mates is not Soulmates yet what he describes is that of a soulmate,

I turned my gaze back to the blonde and brunette to see them looking at me Deeply,

So, they are my..mates? We're forever bounded to one another, For all eternity..They can feel what I feel? Here what I think?

I don't know how I feel about that.?
I mean I like having my thoughts to myself. and don't get me wrong they're very beautiful, but..I don't know,

"So..I'm forever bounded to them? for all eternity?" I turned my gaze back to The Raven haired king.

"Yes, And they you."

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