Chapter 3

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"She did it! The girl! She did it!" He Yelled to the tip of his soul, "She's a Monster!"

Everyone turned and looked at me with anger, and I walked backwards in fear. "NO! I didn't! I swear! I SWEAR I DIDN'T!!"

"She's lying!" He Shouted, "I saw her! I Saw Her with My own eyes! She did it!"

"N-NO! I didn't! I DIDN'T! I Swear I didn't! I would never do such a thing! I SWEAR! I swear I didn't!" I Cried as Everyone came closer.

"Do not believe her! She Cries tears Of Guilt!" He yelled at me with anger.

"No! He is the one lying! My tears are Of sadness, los, pain, and Fear! Not Guilt!" I shouted.

"She doesn't even feel Guilt for what she's done! She is a Monster!" A woman, with whom I know very well shouted.

"I have done nothing to feel Guilt! I am Not the one who did it!" I yelled looking at everyone holding onto my necklace.

"Then who is!?" A man yelled angry,

I take a step back. "I...I don't know, but it wasn't Me! I wouldn't...I wouldn't do something like this! I didn't do it!"

"That's exactly what a Guilty person would say!" A woman yelled.

"She did it! GET HER!" He yelled and everyone began to race towards me, and I Began to run as fast as I could.

"I didn't do it! I Didn't Do It! I DIDN'T DO IT!" I shouted Running for My life. "I would Never! He's lying! I Swear! I Swear I Didn't! I SWEAR!!"

Julieta's P.O.V.

"I didn't..I swear...I swear I didn't!..I swear!..I SWEAR!..I SWEAR!...I DIDN'T I SWEA–!" I jolted awake and upward, and met the eyes of the king Aro, Queen Sulpicia, Jane, And Heidi All looking at me worryingly.

"My sweet, are you alright?" Sulpicia asked softly, "were you having a bad dream?"

I take a deep breath, and closed my eyes. "N..No, was was a memory,"

"Hm, I see. I'm guessing that it was a bad one.?" Aro Raised a brow and I nodded.

"Oh my sweet," before I knew it, I'm in Sulpicia's Arms being hold comfortably and Lovingly. And I can't help but feel comfortable and loved, which makes my heart slow down a little. "Do you need anything?" She asked softly.

"N-No, but thank you." I answered with a smile.

"if you don't mind me asking, what was your memory about?" Aro asked Curiously and I looked down at my hands.

"i-it...I don't really want to talk about." I say I start to feel sadness as I remember the Memory like it was yesterday.

That night will forever haunt me, and I will never forget it.

"That's alright. I can feel that it scared you very much, So we will not talk about it anymore." He said softly, and I can't help but feel warm in my heart and smile.

"Thank you." I turn And look to the window, and see that it is dark outside. "How long was i asleep for?"

"11 hours," at Sulpicia's Anwar my eyes widened.

"A 11 hours!?" I have never slept that long in My life!

"Yes, that is what I said."

"i..I'm sorry, I did not mean to sleep for that long."

"Oh its alright My sweet." She smiled. "Humans Need their sleep, And you looked like you needed a lot of it."

She does have a point, I didn't sleep the whole palne ride here and I didn't get much sleep the night before.

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