Chapter 4

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Julieta's P.O.V.

It's been hours now, and they have shown me every thing, and room in the Castle. And to say that I am amazed would be understatement, I am greatly astonished. The Castle is very beautiful, and I find myself being very comfortable in every room, and hallway.

Though, the old Gothic feel is a bit different, from what I'm used to. But I think I can get used to it with time, which I will have much of soon.

I'm currently in the Garden, Or, as Queen Sulpicia likes to say, Her little Slice of Heaven. I'm surrounded by all types of flowers as I and The King, Queen, Jane, And Heidi All sit under this beautiful Old Stone gazebo.

And I can't help but think back to the one I spent hours sitting under as a child, it was not mine, nor my Nonna's. It belong to the wealthiest family in my town, the Cawthorne. My Nonna and I know them very well, and she even worked for them. In fact, every woman on my Nonna's side of the family worked for them. It was almost like a tradition, of sorts.

Though, That tradition, was one of the many reasons why the town did not like me, Or my Nonna's side of the family. They thought of Us As cursed, and would often say that if it was the Olden times that we would have be burned by the stake.

And they even tried to to me,

"What has you deep in though, My Sweet?" The Queen ask, looking at me Curiously.

"Oh, um. I'm just recalling memories from my childhood," I answer, and she softly smiles with curiosity.

"would you mind sharing?"

"I...I was just thinking back to the gazebo i would spent time under as a child." I smile slightly, "It was Old like this one, but a little bigger. And there wasn't nearly as many flowers."

"Hm, it sounds lovely." The king spoke softly.

"It was," I look down at my necklace and grab ahold of it softly. "It was the only place I could go to get away from the towns people. It was my little Slice of Heaven, I guess."

"Julieta, if you don't mind me asking, why did the towns people not like you?" Heidi spoke curiosity.

"it wasn't just me, it was my Nonna's side of the family. They...They thought of Us As cursed, and weird."

"Why?" The king ask intrigued,

"because...Because One girl is ever born each generation," I answer, and all for Vampires look at me oddly.

"Really, Only ever One?" I nod at the kings question. "interesting, how long has you're family had this "Cursed" for?"

"I don't know. I asked My Nonna One and she told me to not listen to them. But I did hear a few people talking one, and they said that My family had been Cursed for centuries."

"Hm, very interesting." The king Looks away and looks to be in deep thought.

"was that the only reason they did not like you?" Heidi speaks.

"No, they did not like me for many reasons, I...I did not act like other girls, nor did I dress like them. And not to mention that I like them too," they Chuckle at my words and I smile.

"we would have never guessed." Sulpicia gives Jane and Heidi a look and I Chuckle.

In the past few hours, I have found myself enjoying their presence very much. In fact, I can't help but feel like I've known each one of them my hole life, and it's Odd to me. I've never felt so comfortable with someone, and let alone people like this. And if I'm being honest, it scares me a bit.

"Julieta, I would like to know more about you're fami-" Aro is cut off.

"Your Majesty, I hate to interrupt, but you the Queen Jane and Heidi are needed in the throne room." Sewer Rat says,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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