4. Hormones In Overdrive

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"You may be sensitive inside, but what I see on the outside is a soldier." - Lauren Graham


There is a running joke about Chicago that goes something like this: If you don't like the weather right now, just wait 15 minutes.

That is especially true about late Spring when there is a thunderstorm one minute, and the sky is completely cloudless the next. Though, rain or sunshine, when April starts Chicagoans simply refuse to accept the cold weather and you start seeing defiant people walking around in shorts and flip flops even on days that the temperature drops to 50F (10C).

Today was not one of those days. 

Today the temperature was supposed to be a nice toasty 75F (24C - toasty according to Chicago standards!) for most of the morning and evening and best of all it was a Saturday so we were off from work, and Omar's sister, Sehr was visiting us along with her 6-month-old daughter and husband.

"Hey, why don't we see if Noor and Maliha are available and have a girls day out today?" Sehr asked excitedly as she fed her baby some pureed carrots, and the rest of us sat around the table finishing up the pancakes and waffles I had whipped up that morning.

"Noor is probably free because Salman and I are helping a friend who works at the University He is getting married soon and is moving into his new house in the suburbs. Do you want me to ask him?" Omar looked at me inquisitively, his thumb already on the speed dial button of his phone.

While the emerging bromance between Salman and my husband was cute and all, I couldn't help but wish they'd occasionally seek input from their wives before hatching plans. Until now, I had no inkling that they intended to vanish for the entire day, and I'd bet Noor was equally unaware.

"I'm quite capable of asking my own friend. Thank you very much," I restrained my urge to be cheeky and refrained from sticking my tongue out at my husband in the presence of his sister.

Living alone was exhilirating as a newly married couple but you also tended to pick up habits that you would probably never do in front of other family members. Like sharing passionate kisses with your husband in the kitchen early in the morning, oblivious to the fact that my brother-in-law could emerge from the guest bedroom at any moment.

Fortunately, Aslam Bhai, Sehr's husband, had a habit of clearing his throat loudly upon waking up, almost serving as a discreet warning that he might step out to prepare a bottle for his daughter. That morning, we narrowly avoided being caught engaging in something we never gave a second thought to within the confines of our own apartment.

Before, I could start blushing at the thought of what else the walls of our home had witnessed, I decided to call Noor. Sure enough, she had no idea what her husband's plans were, but she herself was available, and so was Maliha, along with her four-month old son.

A couple of hours later Omar had left to meet up with Salman, Aslam Bhai had been picked up by an old college buddy of his, and Sehr and I made our way to the lobby of our building where we met up with Maliha and Noor. 

"Ready?" I asked the three moms who seemed ready for 2 week vacation given the size of their diaper bags and the strollers stuffed with snacks and toys. 



"Let's go."

Excitedly chatting about nothing and everything at the same time, occaisonally interrupted by the babbling infants and an inquisitive toddler, we made our way to the lakeshore park along the banks of Lake Michigan. 

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