Chapter 5 - For the Love of A Woman

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The dark, somber sky is reflective of the dark period in the lives of two individuals craving to feel the warmth and joy they once shared. The grey, rainless clouds loom ominously as it dispels the bright light of the early morning sun. But the omnipresent sun, breaks through the sinister clouds and shines bright rays, on to all craving its warmth. There is indeed hope; like the fiery morning star, RK can fight through the darkness that has enveloped their lives like a nightmare. He is a man on a mission to bring back the vivacious joy that used to be present in Madhu's eyes; the warmth that they radiated used to rival the glowing heat from the sun. He wants, no, NEEDS her, his own personal sunshine, to make a return and spread her special brand of light into his life.

RK woke up feeling renewed and came up with a plan of action. Determined to set it in motion, he swiftly pulls in his sleek, new, black Audi r8 into the reserved parking spot, in front of Sitara studio. He steps out of the car and stops briefly in front of the small daycare that he has set up for the children of the working parents under his production house. The decision to create a nursery proved to be mutually beneficial for both RK and his employees. They are happier and more productive and he gets to play with the tiny tots whenever his mood strikes. Their innocent faces, sweet blabbering and adorable antics are the only time that he feels some of the happiness that has been missing in his life.

RK looks through the window on the door and smiles slightly. As much as he would love to go in and spend time with the mischievous youngsters, he has to complete a task. With quick, determined steps, he walks towards the main film set, knowing Bittuji will be shouting out commands like he is the real Chief. Upon finding him, RK calls out to Bittuji, diverting him away from his tasks.

RK: Bittuji!

Bittuji (startled, turns around and faces RK): Chief.

RK: I need your help Bittuji. (Slightly peeved) By the way, why didn't you pick up your phone? Did they develop legs and run away?

Bittuji (stammers): Umm...sorry Chief. Actually, I have been quite busy since morning to make sure our set for the new movie will be built on time.

RK (dismisses the excuse with a flick of his wrist): Anyway, it doesn't matter now. I need your assistance regarding a very important issue and I can't trust anyone else to handle it. It concerns Madhu.

Bittuji (apprehensively): What about bhabiji Chief? Is she okay?

RK (replies succinctly): No. She's not okay.

Bittuji (shouts in panic): What's wrong with bhabiji? Is she ill? Did she get into an accident?

RK (gestures with his hands): Bittuji...calm down. Nothing is wrong with your bhabiji, at least not, physically.

Bittuji relaxes slightly, knowing that his bhabiji who is more like his younger sister has not been harmed and is not in any mortal danger. But RK's next words fills him with apprehension again.

RK (continues): However, she is (hesitates slightly before continuing) emotionally disturbed. You're observant Bittuji. Haven't you noticed the missing spark in Madhu's eyes for the last one year?

Bittuji (answers slowly): I have noticed her reserve but (looks accusingly at RK) you have been keeping me so busy with various projects that I hardly have time to think now beyond work, let alone spend any quality time with the family. Is she still angry with you for all the hissy fits you threw last year? (Confused) I thought she had forgiven you after you brought her back when she left? I can understand if she was upset, angry even with you last year for the miscarriage and rightfully so. Chief you did cause her a lot of stress, instead of giving her the proper care and attention that she deserved. But still, I hardly think that even your gross behavior is enough for a woman like bhabiji to remain angry with you for so long. So it must be something else that has caused my bhabiji to turn into the skeletal of her former self. (Angrily) And somehow I think you are responsible for it. What did you do to her?

RK (shifts uncomfortably on his feet): Bittuji...I am afraid what I have to say will come as quite a shock to you, even from a kameena like me. Madhu didn't have a miscarriage last year. We mutually came to an agreement to abort our baby.

Bittuji stumbles and steps backwards in astonishment, as RK's words continuously ring through his ears. Abortion? His eyes feel with tears as he finally comprehends the true reason for Madhu's cold, reserved behavior with the world especially with RK. Knowing his bhabiji, he knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that the decision to abort the baby was far from mutual. He knows his sister. She would never deny a child's right to come into this world, of her own free will.

Bittuji (speaks in a low furious voice, his body shaking with rage): Mr. Rishabh Kundra, you are a cold, heartless man and you never deserved someone as wonderfully giving as my SISTER, Madhu. What you claim was a mutual decision was nothing but coercion. I know both of you very well. Madhu would NEVER, of her own accord, agree to abort her child. She is the product of a mother who has protected her from her biological father's murderous attempts. You expect me to believe that she MUTUALLY agreed to abort the baby?

RK (attempts to explain): Bittuji...

Bittuji (Ignores RK and continues to rage): You, on the other hand, are capable of bulldozing anyone, including the people you supposedly claim to love, out of your way. No one, including your biwi and unborn child, is allowed to get in the way of your fame, of your superstardom, isn't that right? That's how you have always operated and it seems that even after getting the love of a woman who has sacrificed for you and your well-being, time and again, has done nothing to change you from the self-centered ass that you are. I thought she had turned you into a man but you are still that janwar with a stone in the place of your heart.

RK (whispers hoarsely, his eyes glistening with unshed tears): I can't and won't offer you any excuses because I know they won't be accepted and my rationale has no import now. I realize now that asking Madhu to abort our child was a huge mistake and we are now paying the price for that monumental decision. I realize that after my confession, you wouldn't want to help me because you think I deserve to suffer for the rest of my life. And I agree with you wholeheartedly. But I am asking you to help Madhu. She won't go to a psychiatrist of her own free will and she won't allow me to take her either. So I need your assistance to trick her, for her own good, to see the doctor I made an appointment for her this afternoon. Please help me, help her because she doesn't deserve to be miserable for the rest of her life.

Bittuji takes a few deep breath to calm the rage still coursing through his veins. He has never been moved to violence, but today he is tempted, sorely tempted, to strangle the man in front of him. Yet, he can also see that RK is a broken man and he is being quite genuine in his concern for Madhu. Still Bittuji can't forgive him for killing a love so pure, in a cruel, callous manner. Nonetheless, for her, he is ready to help RK, because she deserves to be happy. She deserves to have it handed to her on a silver platter with a protective shield around it to keep it from being stolen.

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