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Lungs burning.

Heart racing.

Lily jumped from the horse and threw the reins to the stable boy who fumbled to catch them. Not waiting to see if he did, she walked as quickly as her short legs would carry her behind the guard. His long strides caused her to jog a step or two every now and then to keep up.

What was the matter?

Father had never summoned her with such urgency before. Actually, Father had never summoned her before - save that one time...

Lily's heart sank and she quickened her pace even more. Something must be terribly wrong.

Was it Gavin? Or was it Father himself? Was one of them in dire straits while she was away visiting Keeva? For how long? They had almost reached Leslie on her return journey when a messenger had been seen riding hard towards them.

A gnawing feeling began to eat away at her stomach and she subconsciously bit her bottom lip as she jogged another three steps to catch up with the guard amidst the afternoon crowd bustling in the bailey. She was so distracted, her normally disturbed thoughts of her people struggling in poverty did not even enter her mind.

Dear God, please let all be well.

A hand grasped her and squeezed tightly, comfortingly, drawing her away from her thoughts.

"Do no' fret, Lily," she glanced up to see her dear friend giving her an encouraging smile, her slightly longer legs making it a bit easier for her to keep up. "I'm sure 'tis nothing."

"But Keeva, the only other time Father has summoned me was when Mother passed," she blurted out, her eyebrows joining together in anxiety, "What if this is no different?"

"Weel, we do no' ken of anyone who has been terribly ill as yer mother was," Keeva reasoned as she side-stepped a wagon, "And if someone has turned fer the worst, summoning ye without delay is the most logical decision."

"I suppose ye're right," Lily mumbled, still not sure.

They reached the keep, hurried up the steps, Lily taking two steps at a time to not fall behind, and burst through the front doors. The two women followed the guard in silence. They looked at each other with mirrored expressions of confusion when instead of leading them to a bedchamber, the guard led them to the great hall where official business was discussed and settled before the Laird of Leslie.

Mayhap there is no illness, Lily realised with hope... but what is the matter then?

The guard held the heavy door open for her and waited patiently as Lily fought to catch her breath while smoothing out her dress. She gave Keeva what she hoped was a brave nod and, with head held high, Lily strode into the large room on her own.

The great hall was empty besides for her father and a woman Lily didn't recognise sitting towards the back of the room, conversing. From the woman's clothing and air, she was clearly of high station; a lady would be Lily's guess. She looked to be roughly the same age as her father, her red hair was being invaded by gray and the wrinkles forming on her face spoke of a life with little laughter. Lily would have called her beautiful if it had not been for the forbidding expression set on her face. Judging from their body language, this was not her and Laird Leslie's first meeting; they sat too close, touched too often. However, something in the body language of her father made Lily nervous all over again. Although seemingly familiar with the woman, he seemed to be tense and Lily could make out the little lines between his eyebrows that showed when he was worried concerning a difficult decision.

"Elsbeth!" the woman's startled gasp interrupted her thoughts as she shot up from her chair.

A smile tugged at Lily's lips at the inadvertent complement, "I'm afraid no', ma'am. Elsbeth was my mother. I'm Lily."

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