Chapter 13 • Illness

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Lily couldn't get over her shock.

He had raised his voice at her.

Actually, raised it.

She was just starting to think he wasn't as fierce and scary as the rumours proclaimed.

It was not as if he yelled at her or tried to hit her, but it had frightened her... a lot. Growing up, her father raising his voice at her was usually punishment enough, it scared her so much. Alasdair was a lot scarier than her father...

Lily had thought this new Alasdair, the one at home, the one she got to know in person, the one not on the battlefield, would be more understanding and considerate of people struggling whether they were from his clan or not. She thought 'loving Laird Alasdair' who took in Neil and Nessa would take in this poor man. After all, his family was on the brink of starvation.

But he sent the man away with nothing! Not even his horse. Hugh wouldn't even be able to sell it and use the money to buy some food anymore.

Lily was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't even notice when the other horses were no longer in sight. She only looked up when her horse came to a standstill because of the riderless horse standing in front of her and Bridget.

Strong hands grasped her waist suddenly and she gasped as she was pulled off her horse. Lily was about to scream when she came face-to-face with Alasdair.

"Oh! M'laird!" Lily clutched her heart as she recovered from her shock, "You startled me."

"My apologies, but I did call yer name at least three times."

"I-I suppose I was lost in thought," she answered, becoming aware of their closeness as Alasdair had not yet released his hold. She looked about and frowned, "Where are the others?"

"Ye really were lost," Alasdair chuckled lightly, "I sent them on ahead." He grew serious and he let go of her waist, "We need to talk."

Lily could feel her palms getting sweaty and a sudden thirst come upon her. She gulped before blurting out, "I'm sorry."

"Ye're sorry?" Alasdair sounded confused, "What are ye sorry fer?"

"Fer-fer talking back to -"

"Nay! Nay, Lily," Alasdair stopped her, rubbing her arms up and down, "Ye have nothing to be sorry fer." He bent slightly to get a better view of her face as he continued, "I am sorry for how I spoke to ye. I was angry and frustrated with the whole situation and I let it come out in how I spoke to ye. Forgive me?"

Lily blinked.

Did the big, scary Highland laird just apologise to me?

"Lily?" his voice came again, a little concerned and only then did she realise she hadn't answered him.

"Aye, aye o'course."

His face cleared with a smile tugging at his lips. "Now, tell me what is going on in that precious mind o' yers?"

She hesitated, biting her lips. His hazel-green eyes peered into hers eagerly, encouraging her to speak. Aye, Alasdair was still the sweet, kind Highland laird she had come to know. She supposed she could question him then. With a deep breath in, she asked, "Why did ye show such a lack o' mercy to Hugh?"

His gorgeous eyes rounded with shock and his mouth hung open in disbelief. This was the quiet before the storm. "'Lack o' mer -' did ye say 'lack o' mercy'? That" - he gestured the way they came - "was the most merciful thing a Mackenzie laird has ever done. Frankly, I'm a wee bit embarrassed. No' only did I grant him his miserable life but I also allowed him to leave without a whipping. What more would ye have had me do?"

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