Chapter 15 • Stray or Sure

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"Twist yer foot! Nay, yer back foot, ye dafty! No' now - when ye swing! It is one fluid movement. Goodness, I was away fer three weeks and ye've all forgotten yer training..."

Ivor's commanding voice roared out instructions, insults, and lamentations as Alasdair, Lily, and Keeva neared the training ground. They rounded the corner and observed Ivor watching his young warriors like a hawk, prowling around them while carrying a switch in his hands behind his back. Whenever someone would make a silly mistake, they would feel Ivor's correction quite swiftly.

"Is he always like this?" Keeva queried with a smile creeping on her face, somehow finding the humour in the situation as Alasdair had, unlike Lily who seemed a bit shocked.

"Only since we returned from Leslie," Alasdair explained as he folded his arms across his chest, observing the group of men sparring one-on-one, "He believes they were slacking off in our absence and has been pushing them hard to get back in shape."

Since Keeva had been interested in the happenings on their training ground, Alasdair agreed to accompany the ladies out. Keeva's face was glowing with excitement and her eyes observed everything carefully. Lily, on the other hand, didn't seem all that keen, but supported her friend's interest as they walked arm-in-arm.

The training ground was a large empty field to the side of the keep, with a wooden shelter forming the edges where the spectators could comfortably watch. There the men would also rest in the shade and store their wooden sparring weapons.

The party of three made their way around the edge under the shelter for Keeva to satisfy her curiosity. Closest to the entrance was where the men sparred while at the other end of the field, the beginner archers practiced. This was just to get their technique correct and the distance was very short. Once an archer reached a certain level, they trained in a larger field outside of the bailey.

As they passed Alasdair's second and third sparring, Fergus looked up, surprised to see the two ladies here. Keir gave him no grace, however, and used his distraction to his advantage.

"Oi! I wasn't ready!" Fergus whined, picking himself up from the ground.

"Ye think yer enemy will care about that?" Keir retorted with a smirk as he offered his hand to help Fergus up.

Just then, Keeva pulled out of her and Lily's hold and headed further ahead to one of the young lads practicing on his own in the corner of the field.

"Ye need to keep yer elbows tucked in, otherwise ye'll leave yerself vulnerable," Keeva's instruction carried softly to Alasdair's ears. The lad looked confused at first, but soon realised this dark-haired lady was far more advanced than him as she corrected his technique and drew her own sword to spar with him. She was patient with the lad and explained things well.

"Huh, mayhap I should get her to train my men," Alasdair mumbled in reflection with his arms crossed.

"Aye, she's a good teacher, good warrior, too," Lily agreed, slipping her hands into the crook of his elbow and leaning her head on his arm. He looked to see her smiling softly at her friend in her element. "She tried to teach me a few things, but I'm afraid it's gone in one ear and out the other," she confessed with a laugh.

Alasdair chuckled softly, "Mayhap, I should teach ye."

He had meant it as a joke, but the moment the words left his mouth, he realised that he actually should. His mind flitted back to the attack of hooded figures on their way home and how Lily had been utterly defenceless. If he hadn't gotten to her in time, who knew where they'd be...

He was about to make his thoughts known when his eye caught sight of another young lad struggling severely. He was the youngest warrior on the field, no older than ten, and he was practicing a move that was far more advanced and was becoming frustrated. Alasdair couldn't help but make his way over with Lily following. She leant against one of the pillars of the shelter as Alasdair moved closer to the lad.

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