Part 1: Purple

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Part 1: Purple

"Tony! Watch out!" Rodgers yells in Tony's direction. A single gunshot can be heard a split second before Tony spins around to be faced with an armor-piercing bullet, stopped not a foot from his face. From the corner of his eye, he sees Roger's shield fly past his head, sufficiently knocking the shooter out. Tony turns his focus back to the floating bullet and watches as it drops to the ground, harmlessly. He also notices a faint purple flash from around the corner. "Tony, you hit?" Rodgers asks pulling his armored shoulder to spin him around.

Tony lifts his face mask before responding, "Nope, all good, like always. Now stop slackin' and get back to it Cap." He says before propelling himself around the corner of the building. There, he sees a human figure slowly walking away. "Hey, You!" He says while flying in front of the figure. He only sees her face for a few seconds before a woman's scream catches his attention. Those few seconds of Tony's distraction were just enough time for the mystery girl to disappear.


"So, what's so urgent that you call a meeting so early on a Friday morning?" Clint asks as he slumps on the couch. Natasha sits next to him, smirking at his morning behavior. Bruce stands near Tony, Thor rummaging through the fridge, Wanda sits at the kitchen island drinking her coffee, and Steve leans against the door frame.

"Good, we are all here. So, here's the deal." Tony starts, ignoring Clint's glare. "During our mission on Wednesday, something happened." At this, everyone suddenly feels more awake, giving Tony their undivided attention. "There is someone else out there with powers. JARVIS and I have been working on locating them as a possible asset."

"What sort of powers?" Thor asks before taking a bite of his cold breakfast burrito.

"I'm not sure what her powers entail exactly, but I suspect that they are similar to Wanda's."

"How so?" Wanda asks, now standing in curiosity.

"Well, she stopped an armor-piercing bullet from taking my head off without lifting a finger." Tony informs everyone and the room fills with silence.

That silence is interrupted by JARVIS. "Sir, I believe I have found the location of the girl who saved your life."

"First off, she didn't save my life, just stopped something potentially bad from happening." Tony shoots back before focusing on the task at hand. "93 Percent match? Alright, I'm going to suit up. I'll be back soon."

"Wait," Natasha speaks up. "You're going alone? What are you going to do? Kidnap her?"

"Would I do something like that?"

"Yes," Was said unanimously as Tony jumps off the balcony and flies away. He arrives in a neighboring town to the one they had their mission in.

Hovering over a populated area, JARVIS scans the crowd looking for a positive match. "Match found on 3rd street," JARVIS states and Tony lands in an alleyway before stepping out of his iron suit. He begins to walk towards the positive match noting that she looked irritated. Her eyes met Tony's and she turns around to continue in the opposite direction.

"Wait, Wait, Wait." Tony says once he catches up to her. He lightly touches her shoulder, which results in her spinning around with her hand raised warningly. Showing a small purple spark floating between her fingers. "Okay," Tony says raising his hands, showing he's no threat. "You are a hard girl to find."

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