Part 4: Disappearing Act

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Part 4: Disappearing Act


Everyone is chatting amongst themselves while Wanda and I are slightly off to the side. "I never got to hear your backstory." I say with a smile. My smile fades as I watch Wanda visibly stiffen. Cautiously, picking up that it was a sensitive subject, I shrug my shoulders. "I've heard about the incident in Lagos. That wasn't your fault." I say while offering what I hope to be a comforting smile. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me anything. I would say I get not wanting to spill my life story to new people but then again, I kind of just did that the past few days." This makes Wanda laugh and I can't help the genuine smile that appears on my face. Her laugh is beautiful.

"Alright team, Fury wants us for a meeting." Tony states as he finally enters the room. "But not you Y/N." He adds pointing to me.

"Does that mean that Y/N isn't an Avenger?" Peter asks in a sad tone. As much as I hate to admit it, I've grown to like it around here.

"Actually, that is the topic at hand kid." Tony says with a smile and I get a good feeling about how the meeting is going to go.

"That's alright," I say interrupting whatever Peter was going to retort. "I'm tired anyways." I say standing, wishing everyone a good night, and thanking Tony for the room again before making my way down the hallway.

The Following Day

Wanda POV

I knock on Y/N's door for the third time. "Y/N? You awake?" I ask getting no response. Maybe she's still asleep. I slowly open her door and take a step inside, but Y/N is nowhere in sight. Her room looks tidy, and her bed is made. Maybe she's out talking to Tony or Steve. I think to myself. I leave her room and head to the common area, where I find Clint, Steve, and Tony in a heated discussion.

"Where's Y/N?" Clint asks once he spots me. This confuses me as I thought she was with them.

"I don't know, she wasn't in her room. I just figured she was wandering the compound." As I say this, the rest of the team enters the room. "Have any of you seen Y/N?" I ask them, trying to keep the worry out of my voice. They all look at each other and shake their heads.

"Did she tell you anything?" Nat questions.

"Why would she tell me anything?" I counter a little harsher than I meant to.

"You two seem close, she seems to trust you the most." Clint jumps in.

"I think she likes you." Peter says quietly while passing me. Really? I think to myself with a small smile.

"We can worry about Y/N tomorrow. Right now, we have a mission so suit up." Tony interrupts us before grabbing his go-bag and walking onto the waiting QuinJet. Everyone else, including myself, follows suit.

"Listen up Avengers." Fury's voice can be heard through the coms. "There have been reports of Hydra files hidden in company files. It's your job to identify and copy those files."

"That's it? This requires the whole team?" Clint questions slightly annoyed.

"Well, it's a full moon tonight. Never know what may happen."

"Thor, this isn't Asgard. The moon doesn't have anything to do with how people act." Clint spits while sitting next to Natasha, across from me.

"Actually, statistics show that there is a percent of people who act..."

Bruce gets cut off by Fury, "That's enough, there are three separate locations nowhere near one another. You will split into three teams and get the data needed that way. No one will know that you are there, just copy the files and get out. Stark has all the information needed." Fury finishes before leaving Tony to fill us in.

After the Mission

"I'm ready for a drink." Tony says as we touch down back at the compound.

"I'm going to check if Y/N is here." I say before heading down the hallways, leaving the others. I knock once before entering Y/N's room. Once again, looking around to find the room still untouched.

"Still not here?" Nat asks appearing behind me. I only shake my head with a sigh. "She's probably out wandering the city. If she's not back tomorrow, then you can worry." She says before squeezing my shoulder and returning to her own room. I decide to do a quick walk around the compound to look for her but come up empty-handed. By the time I called it a night, everyone else had already retired to their rooms. Maybe Nat is right. I'll just have to see if she shows up tomorrow.

The next day I woke up early. Not on purpose, but I'm glad I did. The first thing I did was head to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. As per the rule, first up makes the coffee. After I get that going, I head to Y/N's room, hoping that I'm worrying for nothing. I lightly knock on the door before opening it. A smile grows on my face as I see Y/N peacefully passed out under her covers. I sigh after quietly closing the door.

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