Part 2: Welcome

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Part 2: Welcome

Third Person POV

"Does it matter? We'll have another person around here. You guys are getting boring to be around." Thor shrugs as he walks across the room.

"Well, if she's as powerful as Wanda over there," Clint starts, pointing toward Wanda, who only rolls her eyes. "Then she could do all the work for us."

"Clint." Steve simply says in a warning tone.

"Just saying." The fellow Avenger continues bickering until Tony flies back through the balcony. Noticing that he was alone, they all eye him questionably.

"What? Did you seriously expect me to kidnap her?" Tony asks acting offended.

"Kind of," Bruce responds and everyone shrugs.

"So, are you going to tell us what happened?" Wanda asks pointedly. Tony says nothing while his walkway takes off his suit piece by piece. He makes his way to the fridge, grabs a premade smoothie, and proceeds to sit on the couch.

"Tony," Steve questions Tony as if he were a child. His only response is a single finger risen to hush them. Not three minutes later, a car could be heard outside, followed by Tony opening the door to reveal a young-looking girl. He ushers her inside and shouts a thanks to Happy before closing the door. The group can only stare at the girl standing in their doorway. Having just previously debated what they should expect, she was nothing close to what they thought.

"Thank you for agreeing to this, Y/N." Tony says directing her to the unoccupied couch. She sits cautiously, taking note of the seven people staring at her. She eyes each person one by one and can't stop herself from doing a double take when looking at a certain brunette. She slightly shakes her head and looks directly at Tony.

"Talk." Is all she says, and the others share an impressed look at how strong her voice seems. Tony takes a seat across from her.

"First of all, I wanted to thank you for helping me the other day."

"You mean saving your life?" Wanda interrupted with a smirk before moving closer to the couch, resting her hands on the back near where Tony sat. Y/N looks at Wanda with a smile and slightly blushes before looking back at Tony.

"Anyway, I wanted to know more about you. What your powers are." Tony says with no subtilty. Y/N's smile drops, and she adopts a serious look.

"Why?" There was a slight pause before Tony answered.

"Because I need to determine if you are a danger to the public." He gauges Y/N's reaction before continuing. "And because I think you could be a great asset to this team if everything aligns." Y/N seems to not react but looks at the floor in deep thought.

"Okay, this seems like it's a lot to take in. Why don't we all introduce ourselves properly." Steve speaks up, breaking the silence.

"I'm sure Y/N has heard plenty about us from the news." Bruce says with a nervous smile.

Y/N looks over to Wanda, who seems to share an ashamed look like Bruce. "I don't listen to anything the media says." She says catching Wanda's attention with a slight smile. "Too many lies and assumptions." She adds before looking away from Wanda.

"Well, in that case, I am Thor. God of thunder, Ruler of Asgard." Thor says in his booming voice. The Avengers then proceed to introduce themselves.

"Steve Rodgers, Captain America."

"Clint Barton, Hawkeye."

"I'm Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, but you can call me Nat."

"Bruce Banner, big scary green guy." Bruce says making Y/N huff out a laugh.

"Wanda Maximoff." Wanda and Y/N share a slightly longer look before Tony claps his hands.

"And I'm Tony Stark, Iron Man. Now that we are all best friends, why don't you tell us all about yourself Y/N?" Tony says sitting on the edge of his seat like a little kid. Y/N sighs before she gets comfortable on the couch for the first time. Seeming to be less on edge due to the greetings.

"My name is Y/N Y/L/N. Which I'm pretty sure Mr. Stark already figured out due to his advanced technology." Y/N says pointedly, and Tony only shrugs while supporting a smirk. "I'm originally from Maine."

"I don't mean to be rude Y/N, but you look so young." Natasha speaks up, eyeing Y/N.

"I'm 22." Y/N answers with a shrug.

"Yeah, okay, cool. Enough of that. Powers Y/N. What powers do you have?" Tony interrupts once again, continuing to lean forward on the couch.

"Um, well I basically have telekinetic powers, similar to Wanda's actually." Y/N says, and Wanda supports a soft smile. "I also have some super strength and enhanced reflexes."

"So, you are like Wanda and Rodgers combined." Tony states rather than asks.

"Now I want to see you and Steve Fight." Natasha says with a smirk.

"Yes!" Tony agrees excitedly. "Alright, Romanoff show Y/N to her room for now. Tomorrow we can talk more and have a field day with powers." Tony says before hurriedly walking to his basement.

"Well, I guess that's my cue." Y/N says getting up to follow Natasha. She wishes everyone a good night and offers Wanda another smile before following Natasha down the hall.

"This is you." Natasha says stopping outside a closed door.

"Thank you, Natasha."

"No problem. If you need anything at all, feel free to ask any one of us. Also, you can call me Nat." She says before walking away, leaving Y/N to herself in her new room.

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